Learn about the book behind the blogger!

July 22, 2007

Adam has a My Space Page!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Adam Packbell @ 5:39 am

This is something that’s been requested for quite some time now: Adam Packbell now has a My Space Page. Check it out at http://www.myspace.com/adampackbell .

Expect his first blog entry to show up, ported here, in a few moments. (As soon as I do the Control-C, Control-V)

May 2, 2007

The Book is Released!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Adam Packbell @ 7:42 am

Here’s how you can get it, and I have it available for sale and some venues you can get it for free.

Purchasing the Book

(Available from LuLu.com)

Paper Back Book: http://www.lulu.com/content/821305
E-Book: http://www.lulu.com/content/832450

Getting the Book Free

Some of you are asking me “Why should I pay for your book when you’re giving it for free?” I have three answers for this:

  1. If I hunt down everyone who does the Napster route, I’ll be turning myself in.
  2. Something in me flat out knows that some sites will put the E-Book up on their File Sharing, so I might as well beat them to it.
  3. Is how I do things myself, as a paying customer. If I like something well enough, like a Word Processor Program or that Venti Latte, I will pay for it even though I could get it for free. In fact, I might download a book from bittorrent, enjoy reading the book, and enjoy it so much that I bought the paper version over at Borders. I believe that a lot of you are the same way.

It’s a risk, I know. There’s a good chance all I’ll get is a bunch of luls, dust in my revenue, and some Radio Edit troll giving me trouble over at LuLu, but if I get enough sales to encourage making more books, it’ll be well worth the risk, and everyone who do will have my undying gratitude.

Getting the Free E-Book on PDF

Bittorrent, Available from Demonoid: http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/1139485/?rel=1178090273

Offer from various sites: Send me an Private Message from these various sites with your E-Mail and I’ll send it over:

  • Daveykins FoxFire @ the FSoSL Forum
  • DaveykinsFoxFire @ the Disney Echo
  • DaveykinsFoxFire @ deviantART
  • DaveykinsFoxFire @ Gaia

Preview the book On Site.

Also, the full book is available to preview on the site at this URL: http://www.foxfirestudios.net/packblog/WebBook/ . Notice that the graphics are scaled down so that it’ll load quickly on your browser. While you can easily see most of the main text, it has a lot of side bars that can be too small. It’s supposed to be a preview, isn’t it?

April 15, 2007

Cover Art Available at DeviantArt Prints

Filed under: Uncategorized — Adam Packbell @ 5:41 am

Everything’s well on it’s way to getting this book into Lulu in the next week. But the cover artwork that you see below is already available as a print from DeviantArt. Go to http://www.deviantart.com/print/908067/ and you’ll be able to get it in an assortment of sizes and styles, every one of them makes for an excellent piece of art for the Peter Pan fan in your life.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

This blog is a work of fiction, and all names, characters, and incidents
are used in fictitiously; the blogger himself is a fictional character.

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