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May 4, 2007

Parental Advisory

Filed under: Book Updates — Adam Packbell @ 5:52 am

From: Daveykins Foxfire

You’ll see a second story told in episodes in this blog within the note, but before I start on this, I think a little head-up message is in order. This is just to clear all you Nervous Parents out there:

I have rated this book for Teens over at LuLu, due to some violent scenes and strong language. I basically don’t use words that no eleven-year-old has heard in his life (and sometimes they’re aimed directly at him or her) and more often than not they’re not quite the Disney Version. It doesn’t get gratuitous, I might mind you, but I followed the rule of “If it happens in Reality, it happens in my writings.

In case you want a gauge to figure out the level of what’s in there, if you can handle Stephen King, then you’d probably yawn through those scenes.

April 14, 2007

Cover Artwork Preview

Filed under: Book Updates — Adam Packbell @ 4:24 am

From the Desk of Daveykins FoxFire

This is something I’m very proud of. And since I’ve finally got a scanner that works with my Vista machine (Man, talk about pulling teeth) I’m able to share it with you:

The Preview Art

April 6, 2007

Version 1.0 Coming in May

Filed under: Book Updates — Adam Packbell @ 8:45 pm

Watch this space for some WIP cover art, as well as Adam returning to his Blog.

February 23, 2007

The New Lost Boy Found Site coming Soon

Filed under: Book Updates — Adam Packbell @ 11:23 pm

Please Pardon our dust. The server went south again. At least I found a better way to host my blog. Now, if you excuse me, I have to pour tartar sauce on somebody.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

This blog is a work of fiction, and all names, characters, and incidents
are used in fictitiously; the blogger himself is a fictional character.

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