Learn about the book behind the blogger!

Get the Book

Lost Boy Found will be available in both free and purchased versions, and both versions will be licensed under the Creative Commons “Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike” License. Under this license you are entitled to many fair use practices including sharing the document with friends–including Peer to Peer–creating derivative artwork and stories, and even suggesting modifications of the text of the story. (In other words, treat the book like an Open Source program.)

There are two reasons for this: One is inevitability; I know for a fact that people will Napster me so I might as well embrace it. After all, I’d might as well turn myself in to the RIAA if I start suing people for stealing my book through a Torrent file, would I? The other is my belief, fostered from personal experience, that if people see a product they like very much, they wouldn’t mind parting with their hard-earned money for it. That’s what I’ve discovered about myself with several of the programs (Outside of the Open Source ones) I use while creating this book, all of them I could have cracked. I liked the programs so much that I’ve become a customer to them, paying for their programs. It is my hopes that, if you have acquired a copy of my book from a friend or a seeder, and if you enjoyed reading the story, that you will become such a customer to me. You’ll be a source of great encouragement and will receive my unending thanks.

Here’s how you can get it, and I have it available for sale and some venues you can get it for free.

Parental Advisory

I have rated this book for Teens over at LuLu, due to some violent scenes and strong language. I basically don’t use words that no eleven-year-old has heard in his life (and sometimes they’re aimed directly at him or her) and more often than not they’re not quite the Disney Version. It doesn’t get gratuitous, I might mind you, but I followed the rule of “If it happens in Reality, it happens in my writings.

In case you want a gauge to figure out the level of what’s in there, if you can handle Stephen King, then you’d probably yawn through those scenes.

Purchasing the Book

(Available from

Paper Back Book:

Getting the Book Free

Some of you are asking me “Why should I pay for your book when you’re giving it for free?” I have three answers for this:

  1. If I hunt down everyone who does the Napster route, I’ll be turning myself in.
  2. Something in me flat out knows that some sites will put the E-Book up on their File Sharing, so I might as well beat them to it.
  3. Is how I do things myself, as a paying customer. If I like something well enough, like a Word Processor Program or that Venti Latte, I will pay for it even though I could get it for free. In fact, I might download a book from bittorrent, enjoy reading the book, and enjoy it so much that I bought the paper version over at Borders. I believe that a lot of you are the same way.

It’s a risk, I know. There’s a good chance all I’ll get is a bunch of luls, dust in my revenue, and some Radio Edit troll giving me trouble over at LuLu, but if I get enough sales to encourage making more books, it’ll be well worth the risk, and everyone who do will have my undying gratitude.

Getting the Free E-Book on PDF

Offer from various sites: Send me an Private Message from these various sites with your E-Mail and I’ll send it over:

  • Daveykins FoxFire @ the FSoSL Forum
  • DaveykinsFoxFire @ the Disney Echo
  • DaveykinsFoxFire @ deviantART
  • DaveykinsFoxFire @ Gaia
  • daveykinsfoxfire @ Fiction Press

Preview the book On Site.

Also, the full book is available to preview on the site at this URL: . Notice that the graphics are scaled down so that it’ll load quickly on your browser. While you can easily see most of the main text, it has a lot of side bars that can be too small. It’s supposed to be a preview, isn’t it?

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

This blog is a work of fiction, and all names, characters, and incidents
are used in fictitiously; the blogger himself is a fictional character.

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