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May 2, 2007

The Book is Released!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Adam Packbell @ 7:42 am

Here’s how you can get it, and I have it available for sale and some venues you can get it for free.

Purchasing the Book

(Available from LuLu.com)

Paper Back Book: http://www.lulu.com/content/821305
E-Book: http://www.lulu.com/content/832450

Getting the Book Free

Some of you are asking me “Why should I pay for your book when you’re giving it for free?” I have three answers for this:

  1. If I hunt down everyone who does the Napster route, I’ll be turning myself in.
  2. Something in me flat out knows that some sites will put the E-Book up on their File Sharing, so I might as well beat them to it.
  3. Is how I do things myself, as a paying customer. If I like something well enough, like a Word Processor Program or that Venti Latte, I will pay for it even though I could get it for free. In fact, I might download a book from bittorrent, enjoy reading the book, and enjoy it so much that I bought the paper version over at Borders. I believe that a lot of you are the same way.

It’s a risk, I know. There’s a good chance all I’ll get is a bunch of luls, dust in my revenue, and some Radio Edit troll giving me trouble over at LuLu, but if I get enough sales to encourage making more books, it’ll be well worth the risk, and everyone who do will have my undying gratitude.

Getting the Free E-Book on PDF

Bittorrent, Available from Demonoid: http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/1139485/?rel=1178090273

Offer from various sites: Send me an Private Message from these various sites with your E-Mail and I’ll send it over:

  • Daveykins FoxFire @ the FSoSL Forum
  • DaveykinsFoxFire @ the Disney Echo
  • DaveykinsFoxFire @ deviantART
  • DaveykinsFoxFire @ Gaia

Preview the book On Site.

Also, the full book is available to preview on the site at this URL: http://www.foxfirestudios.net/packblog/WebBook/ . Notice that the graphics are scaled down so that it’ll load quickly on your browser. While you can easily see most of the main text, it has a lot of side bars that can be too small. It’s supposed to be a preview, isn’t it?

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