March 3, 2007

A Triple Update

Filed under: FoxFire Studios — DaveykinsFoxFire @ 7:41 am

Lost Boy Found

I’ve gotten through the final major edits of the story done, a week before the deadline, may I add, and the book is now with a pair of editors, where the jots and tittles of the book (the grammar and verb tenses and those Radio Edit typos that I know are there) will be taken care of before the Lulu Publishing in May. I’ve been given a report that it is indeed original enough not to be dismissed as a Fanfict, so I can use this book to launch my career over at

Scarlet PI

Good News: I’m back at making SPI strips, and I’m using that strip as my experimenting lab for my drawing style. Bad News: Using a HP PSC 1401 to scan in strip work is the Bleep. I’m going to need a better flatbed. E-Bay Time.

Note: Anyone who wants to commission some artwork from me, feel free and do so now. Those who commissioned me before know I work a lot better when I get paid.

Blood and Metal

I’ve just now started on the revision, and believe me, you’ll find the story completely changed from the very first story I’ve posted on the net. I’m still looking around for suggestions and ideas to bat around, and there’s the wiki on my site for that purpose. Watch this space, as well as my site, for further progress.

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