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Itto Kagekumo

Chara Design: Ivan Mayne

Species: Human
Nationality:    Japan
Occupation: CEO of Itto Electronics, Leader of Itto Ninja Clan

It comes to a shock of some that someone as affable and likable as
Itto Kagehito would have a son that's so much a polar opposite.

Kagekumo is a man of ambition and desire, and desires nothing else
than to bring the Itto Clan to its former glory, no matter the cost.

He's very vain towards himself, shows utter contempt towards his own men,

considers everyone outside of his clan as the proverbial great
unwashed, and when it comes to the Sword Knights, he's going "Why oh
God can't I get _turtles_ like any normal Ninja Lord?!"

Of the three antagonists of this series, Kagekumo has the best chance
of fulfilling his goal, namely domination of every place he's doing
business in, be it by business or combat.

And let's just say that you don't want to owe money to this man.

Padley owes money to this man.
