FoxFire Studios Comics Emporium

Two years back I jumped from FanFiction to original works for my web site FoxFire Studios, and it really made the site take off with my original comic strips and books.
Now, I try to take it even further, as I present to you a dream of mine:
The FoxFire Studios Comics Emporium would be the next evolutionary step in comic book stores, and it's not because of the width of the array of comic book products, or the professionalism of the business, or even the rapport with the customers.
Oh sure, any other store would be that, but does they have a comic book studio connected to them?
You got it right: An actual comic book studio will be dropped inside the comic book store. In plain view of the customers while they shop.
This will provide an educational approach for the comic book fan, as they get to see how comic books are actually created. It is my hope that this approach would improve the image this media has as of late, as well as inspire others to take up the art as an outlet for their imagination
In this web site, the actual Business Plan for this company can be read, as well as regular updates as the plan progresses into reality. You will also find various information and research that I used in this quest, in the hopes that this will help someone else with dreams similar to mine.
Updates for this unique addition to any web site will be coming here, as well as the upcoming announcement of where it will be located and when it will open. Stay Tuned!