BakaBreakers Special Strip

This strip dedicated to Angel Juarbe
Next Strip: Strip 002, Introduction 02
Due Date: Friday, 16 Nov 2001
Status: 100% = Fully Completed
Comments: You can probably understand why from the graphic above. Let's just say that somebody needs a bang stick shoved up their @$$.
Red Envenlope
for Newbies
Black Envenlope
for Regulars

New Rant: 14 Nov 2001

By now you heard the official statement from the producers of MiSTX which would tell of Fox's intention, or sould I be more correct to say the lack thereof, with their best Reality Show to date. Apparantly Fox, being Fox of course, wants more T&A than TV that actually makes their viewers think and a well developed fanbase. (They can make a Temptation Island 2, but not a MiSTX2? Where's my Bang Stick?)

Apparently they don't know me very well. As people that read the other side of this rant table can tell you, I have this reputation of being encouraged to rip off companies who do things like this. Now I'm really tempted to find someone willing to Streamload the episodes and leave the names of the townspeople the way I named them, Investigator name first, Townspeople name last. (Of course, if someone did come up with new and better names for them, I'll be more than happy to oblige the lady or gentleman and make the replacement. Or maybe those names are good enough)

Like many of you who came here because I dropped the link in a MiSTX message board, I don't want the show to fade away, there are many people who will be more than willing to keep the story going, even to the point of making an Alternate Reality version of Sunrise where the Game was played for real and start another unrelated mystery. And I'm sure that other people will make their own spin on things; from what I've found through some decent web surfing, there are other groups that have made up their own Small Town X fanstories as well. We'll be more than happy to keep MiSTX alive even if FOX won't . . . that is, until the producers actually give in and make a season 2.

It's not the first time where a short-lived television show gathered such a huge fallowing; Twin Peaks is a prime example, as well as several short-lived cartoons who's absense left a vacumm that got filled by the imagination of it's fans. Murder at Small Town X has become the latest in a long line of shows that lives on even after the networks allowed the show to die.

New Rant: 14 Nov 2001

Why do I get the feeling that MiSTX has become the Sonic the Hedgehog Saturday Morning cartoon of the first decade of the twenty-first century? I just hope I don't get booted out of this fandom like I did with so many others.

As you have obviously noticed, The Web Union crashed it's server on Monday, so every web page on the server, including FoxFire Studios, were down for a while. This happens every now and then--more than I'd like to see--but the owners of the server are apologetic for what happens and always get things back in order as quick as they can.

The fact that this server does get smacked with that I'd call Net Gremlins is why I took steps to make a mirror site, as an alternative site to go to in the case of events like this. It isn't as updated as the one here in the Web Union, but it will give me that added security. Unfortunately, my mirror was hosted by Furnation, which has been brought down thanks to a wanker who did to the server what the RIAA thinks that File Sharing is doing. Ripping off Lawyers and Accountants may be just deserts--they do the same to the creators as well as the customers, and should be screwed on this principle alone--but ripping off the creators is another matter entirely. The only reasion why I'm not hunting this bastard myself is the fact that I only got this treatment indirectly; I still have my site, it just got offline and not by something that wasn't my fault. Since I rarely come across something that I can't be blamed for, I'm content in sitting back and letting things blow over, providing that the owners of the server promises to bring the server back online as soon as they can.

And besides, since you're reading this right now, the server should be back online, and everything should be allright for now . . . until the next crash, of course.