It finally happened... The long-awaited remake of Sonic Fights Robotnik part 7 is coming... and now... THE WAIT IS ALMOST OVER (We see Sonic jamming on a guitar then fighting BILLIONS of SWATbots) (huge explosion) KRRABLOOMM! SONIC FIGHTS ROBOTNIK VII Chaos & Emeralds by Sonic Fan (Mobius explodes but then explodes in reverse-time) (Silver the Hedgehog is fighting chaos) SONIC SPINDASHES IN THROUGH A GLASS WINDOW WITH A GUITAR!!!! "Kept you waiting huh?" said Sonic (Sonic put on the ULTIMATE CYBERSUIT) NEW ENEMIES... Snivelys: I am taking over for Dr Robnotnik but I am even more evil mwahahaha! Red Eyes in the background: Grr! (Snivley is on the Death Egg in space!) KING ACORN?! hologram appeared Acorn: Hello sally, "Bean" please help me! Sally crie tears "daddy!" OLD ENEMIES... a CHUBBY FAT MAN said "HA HA HA.....I'M BAAAAAAACK!" "DOCTOR RO-BUTTNIK!" screamed Sonic "You're alive?!?" NEW FRIENDS... A FIREball flies out of nowhere! Into the jets they blow up and crash into a hotel! Next flaming fireballs are launched at the tanks blowing them up! The fireball is....A CAT??? "Agent Blaze!" exclaimes Miles. ACTION-PACKED BATTLES (Sonic and friend jump off an exploding skyscraper) ...AND THE RETURN OF A GREAT HERO (Somebody fires a shotgun) CCHHHHHOOOOOOMMMMM! (David Kintobor is holding the sawed off shotgun) David: You were expecting Geoffy St. John? Rotor pulls out his replica Lancer from Furry Gears of War and chainsaws Geoffrey in half!! BZZZRRRKKKK SPPPLORRCH BUZZZZ!! THE ULTIMATE SONIC SATAM FANFIC "I want to join the freedom fighters!" said Sniveley "Why should we TRUST YOU!!!?" yelled Sally right in his face! Rotor holds up a blue apple SONIC FIGHTS ROBOTNIK VII Chaos & Emeralds Sonic took a deep breath and SCREAMED "iiiit's SLAMMA WAMMA JAMMA BAMMA HEGGITY HOG PEANUT BUTTER ON A CHILIDOG WAY PAST FAST BLASG TO THE PAST HONKY TONKY WONKY DONKEY JUUUUUUUIIIICCCEEEE TTTIIIIIIIIMMMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Coming November 8 2016 THis Election Day Vote NO on Ken Penders!