Interview with a Hero?

Comics Page: I guess the question on everyone's mind is "Who is Captain Purple?"

Captain Purple: Why, I am the hero of heroes! Yes sir! That's me! And I'm purple!

CP: Why are you so purple?

CP: That, kind citizen, is because of my royal ability to be able to be royal and do my heroic royal abilities! I'm good at that, you know!

CP: What makes you a hero?

CP: Usually, Fran. She's a most skillfull employee of the Soup-n-Subs eating establishment! Good citizen Fran, she is. She makes the tastiest hero-subs and serves them right up with a lovely glass of cold milk! Good for the teeth, you know. Keeps 'em good and strong, like mine. See! [grins]

CP: What kind of special powers do you have?

CP: Light purple ones. The mixture of America! Red, white, and blue! It was either that or chartreuse.

CP: Do you have any cool toys?

CP: [sniff] Waaaaaaah! I miss Mr. Buttons! He was my favorite teddy bear! Even after his eyes fell off and all the [sniff] stuffing fell out of his cute little torn eyesockets. Bwaaaaaa! [sniff sniff]

CP: I meant gadgets.

CP: Oh. Um. Of course! I knew that. I was, uh, just umm showing you my SUPER HEROIC ACTING power! YES! That is what I was doing. A fine job! A fine display of pure heroic drama! Gadgets?... none, unless you count this bus schedule.

CP: You don't have anything like a batmobile to race to the scene of a crime in?

CP: No, good sir, I choose the way of the working man. Public Transportation! It cuts down pollution, you know. We MUST be environmentally conscious at all times! That and every insurance company I go to refuses to cover me. But that doesn't stop ME!

CP: Do you stand for anything?

CP: I stand for a hearty hour and a half each day waiting for the bus. It's good for the lungs though, all that breathing... and waiting.

CP: Do you have a girlfriend?

CP:NO!! Why I am saving myself for my one true love, Chelsea Clinton. She is the teenage ambassador to the world, you know! And someday I hope to be worthy of her affections.

CP: How were you chosen to be The Comics Page mascot?

CP: The comics page? I am no comedian, confused residential resident! I am a SUPER hero!

CP: What will you bring to The Comics Page?

CP: You must be in distress. Fear NOT! I shall help you in your time of need. I shall find you some top notch comedians! I'll find some funny people to tell you jokes too! You'll see!

CP: I think you misunderstood. When I say The Comics Page I am referring to the place where we are at now, where people from all over can read and gather information all about you and the comic book industry.

CP: Oh HO! YES, indeed. The MEDIA. I am great in the media! And Purple!

CP: I understand that the near future holds a brand new on-going feature in The Comics Page highlighting your true-to-life adventures.

CP: People everywhere will be able to look upon me and gain enlightenment, yes! Be sure not to miss a single story, for they ALL teach fine lessons!

CP: Is there anything you'd like to say to The Comics Page audience?

CP: Certainly, you super-duper suburbanite. To my audience I say this: Before it's time to pack the turkey, it is a good idea to mix the stuffing ahead of time. No, that's not it. Wait a second. Eat your vegetables, get eight hours of sleep each night, wash behind your ears and mind your mommies!

CP: Well, thank you for your time, Captain Purple.

CP: Not a problem, upstanding city dweller, the bus doesn't arrive for another 37 minutes!

©1996 Monroe Communications, Inc.
Last Updated: September 1, 1995