March 18, 2002

Don't tell anyone I'm writing this on Tuesday, ok?

Monday, returning to school, finally experiencing what is going on inside the mind of the student, of the potential voter. And to see just what is going on with the other candidates. I have learned this: that only two candidates so far have placed advertisements on the walls of the glass hall.

And I'm not one of them.

You see, the idea that I had was to have at least one advertisement ready to print multiple copies at school, so I wouldn't have to pay for this election. However, I discovered that the school's equipment was not acceptable. The media center printer: broken. The copier: does not look good. So there I was, left without creating any advertisements to allow people to notice that I am running.
I was told by my piers (i.e., my friends), that it is vital that I create advertisements that are unique, that will convince people to vote for me. And so, returning home that day, I created three other designs, having a total of four. And those four can now be seen here at this site.

So having these four designs, I went to Kinko's at nine p.m. and printed them out, but not with opposition. Apparently, the computers at Kinko's don't like me. One refused to accept my disk. A second refused to close a program. But finally, I printed them all out. And then I made twenty copies each. And now these twenty copies are ready to be placed on to the walls of Kimball High.
Ok, so it's really just two walls...

Of course, this brings up the obvious question: Why only the glass hallway? There are certainly other places where the advertisements can be placed, and it could surly be easier to see just who is running. And then there would be much more space...

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