lostboyfound.foxfirestudios.net Official Site of the Lost Boy Found site 2007-07-23T02:05:18Z WordPress http://foxfirestudios.net/packblog/?feed=atom Adam Packbell <![CDATA[Adam Packbell Entry #001]]> http://foxfirestudios.net/packblog/?p=16 2007-07-22T06:00:16Z 2007-07-22T05:46:35Z

I got into Journaling a few weeks after Mom found me that Christmas Night. She said it’ll be a big help in figuring out what happened to me, and she was right. I’ve compiled part of my entries with dramatized scenes written by a good friend of mine, Daveykins Foxfire, to create his first book and the official report of my solved mystery. It’s entitled, aptly enough, Lost Boy Found.

After the mystery was solved and I went on with my life, I found that Journaling has an additional use. I’ve discovered that, since I was one of Peter Pan’s Lost Boys for fifteen years, that I have contracted some of Peter’s abilities. This include his ability to fly, a quicker healing factor, and an aging process that’s all but frozen. That last part would have it’s moments, and I’ll be the first to admit it. Fortunately I caught his snarkyness but not his humility.

I also worry about whatever or not I’ll have Peter Pan’s memory problems. Or as some would say the lack of a memory. Peter can forget pretty much anything he wants to. The more traumatic the quicker. Some people envy that. Me? I’m worried that I might forget something I’m going to need later! Hence my habit of having a notebook around to write everything that’s in my head on it. Once it’s on paper, I can go on with my day with confidence knowing where that memory’s at, so I can find it later when I need it.

My former captain never had the need of writing things down. Literary skills weren’t as much a requirement in his life, although he does appreciate the skills. There are always moments where a brainy Lost Boy is appreciated. Especially when one such brainy kid makes adventures for him. But that is for another tale.

In a moment, I’ll be sharing more parts of my journal that deal with myself, my family and friends and the world around me. Las Vegas is a very happening town, and there’s always something going on here. You’re going to find me posting a lot of cool things I’ve found in the future. Keep in touch :)

Adam Packbell <![CDATA[Adam has a My Space Page!!]]> http://foxfirestudios.net/packblog/?p=15 2007-07-23T02:05:18Z 2007-07-22T05:39:58Z This is something that’s been requested for quite some time now: Adam Packbell now has a My Space Page. Check it out at http://www.myspace.com/adampackbell .

Expect his first blog entry to show up, ported here, in a few moments. (As soon as I do the Control-C, Control-V)

Adam Packbell <![CDATA[Parental Advisory]]> http://foxfirestudios.net/packblog/?p=14 2007-05-04T05:52:44Z 2007-05-04T05:52:44Z From: Daveykins Foxfire

You’ll see a second story told in episodes in this blog within the note, but before I start on this, I think a little head-up message is in order. This is just to clear all you Nervous Parents out there:

I have rated this book for Teens over at LuLu, due to some violent scenes and strong language. I basically don’t use words that no eleven-year-old has heard in his life (and sometimes they’re aimed directly at him or her) and more often than not they’re not quite the Disney Version. It doesn’t get gratuitous, I might mind you, but I followed the rule of “If it happens in Reality, it happens in my writings.

In case you want a gauge to figure out the level of what’s in there, if you can handle Stephen King, then you’d probably yawn through those scenes.

Adam Packbell <![CDATA[The Book is Released!!]]> http://foxfirestudios.net/packblog/?p=11 2007-05-02T07:42:17Z 2007-05-02T07:42:17Z Here’s how you can get it, and I have it available for sale and some venues you can get it for free.

Purchasing the Book

(Available from LuLu.com)

Paper Back Book: http://www.lulu.com/content/821305
E-Book: http://www.lulu.com/content/832450

Getting the Book Free

Some of you are asking me “Why should I pay for your book when you’re giving it for free?” I have three answers for this:

  1. If I hunt down everyone who does the Napster route, I’ll be turning myself in.
  2. Something in me flat out knows that some sites will put the E-Book up on their File Sharing, so I might as well beat them to it.
  3. Is how I do things myself, as a paying customer. If I like something well enough, like a Word Processor Program or that Venti Latte, I will pay for it even though I could get it for free. In fact, I might download a book from bittorrent, enjoy reading the book, and enjoy it so much that I bought the paper version over at Borders. I believe that a lot of you are the same way.

It’s a risk, I know. There’s a good chance all I’ll get is a bunch of luls, dust in my revenue, and some Radio Edit troll giving me trouble over at LuLu, but if I get enough sales to encourage making more books, it’ll be well worth the risk, and everyone who do will have my undying gratitude.

Getting the Free E-Book on PDF

Bittorrent, Available from Demonoid: http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/1139485/?rel=1178090273

Offer from various sites: Send me an Private Message from these various sites with your E-Mail and I’ll send it over:

  • Daveykins FoxFire @ the FSoSL Forum
  • DaveykinsFoxFire @ the Disney Echo
  • DaveykinsFoxFire @ deviantART
  • DaveykinsFoxFire @ Gaia

Preview the book On Site.

Also, the full book is available to preview on the site at this URL: http://www.foxfirestudios.net/packblog/WebBook/ . Notice that the graphics are scaled down so that it’ll load quickly on your browser. While you can easily see most of the main text, it has a lot of side bars that can be too small. It’s supposed to be a preview, isn’t it?

Adam Packbell <![CDATA[Cover Art Available at DeviantArt Prints]]> http://foxfirestudios.net/packblog/?p=8 2007-04-15T05:41:42Z 2007-04-15T05:41:42Z Everything’s well on it’s way to getting this book into Lulu in the next week. But the cover artwork that you see below is already available as a print from DeviantArt. Go to http://www.deviantart.com/print/908067/ and you’ll be able to get it in an assortment of sizes and styles, every one of them makes for an excellent piece of art for the Peter Pan fan in your life.

Adam Packbell <![CDATA[Cover Artwork Preview]]> http://foxfirestudios.net/packblog/?p=7 2007-04-14T04:26:06Z 2007-04-14T04:24:45Z From the Desk of Daveykins FoxFire

This is something I’m very proud of. And since I’ve finally got a scanner that works with my Vista machine (Man, talk about pulling teeth) I’m able to share it with you:

The Preview Art

Adam Packbell <![CDATA[Version 1.0 Coming in May]]> http://foxfirestudios.net/packblog/?p=6 2007-04-06T20:45:07Z 2007-04-06T20:45:07Z Watch this space for some WIP cover art, as well as Adam returning to his Blog.

Adam Packbell <![CDATA[The New Lost Boy Found Site coming Soon]]> http://foxfirestudios.net/packblog/?p=3 2007-02-25T07:26:15Z 2007-02-23T23:23:38Z Please Pardon our dust. The server went south again. At least I found a better way to host my blog. Now, if you excuse me, I have to pour tartar sauce on somebody.
