About Susie "Shazell" Winters

Despite herself, Susie "Shazell of the Woods" Winters has given Christianity in South Texas a much needed slap upside their heads. Technically, she's a Wicca; a modern day equivalent of Pagan Witchcraft. However, while leaders of current religious trends ended up crippling Richard Kronos and berating him afterward, Susie came to Richard's side as his confidant. Although her magicks weren't able to give Richard's full use of his right leg--he still walks with a brace and a limp--she was able to provide enough physical and spiritual healing for him to recover. This kindness, alleged to be considered as "The Lord's Work," was enough to win Richard over to her, both as a soulmate and as an initiate to her otherwise Solitarity Coven.
When Selene, The Moon Goddess, arrived, Shazell gladly became one of the Night Solders, mainly because of her innate affinity with Goddesses and Moon-based energies and magick. Her power provides a protective compliment to the other's offensive abilities.
You can find pictures of Shazell in the briefcase.