You are looking at the top reason why any culture promoting terrorism should not be allowed anywhere; It created what could be their worst nightmare!! A girl from Moscow, Russia known as Rachael was driven past the point of madness and had to be institutionalized because of the extremism of the Chechen militant fundamentalists, who slaughtered her family before her eyes as they tourtured her--nevermind that the russians were to blame for that gas attack that did the killing--all in a bastardization of their beloved religion. So shattered was her psyche that it provided easy entry by another Dominarian spirit, this one being a Black Caster called Nyght. A dementia caster. It was all too easy, with poor Rachael's mental state, for Nyght to take up residence as the dominant personality in her body, taking it as his--now her--own. It is not completely clear what role the now Raechel Nyght will play. Dispite being a Black caster, the color of shadow, death, and decay, Raechel actually is prone to do heroic and selfless acts if the need is there. And it will be known that Jasmine does know Nyght and has a common goal of protecting Earth from Dominarian Magic--not to mention sharing the sentiment that Shaira makes the Ortarian Order all but adored in comparison--but Nyght's true motive of personal power and advancement are clouded. ![]() Except for one thing: By the time he arrived on earth and took Raechel's form, Nyght might very well be one of the few remaining Cabalists around in either realm (certia post Scourge) and definitely the First one on Earth. It would come to no surprise that, to assist her goals, she takes up cabalists for herself, and after learning what happened on Otaria by the now again Patron Spirit of the Cabal, Keuber, she present herself as Earth's answer to Pater, the Cabalist Patriarch. This move in rank does give Nyght some concern, and he hopes he has the wisdom enough to lead the new Ursa* Cabal. Due to all the artifacts overriding Earth, presenting this planet as a flip side of Phyrrexia, Planeswalkers who actually know of Earth call it "Planet Urza," because it looks as if The Great Artificier himself took refuge in this planet and obviously made some good with his free time here. Nyght comes directly from the Ortarian Cabal, and does his living as one of the more popular characters in the Odyssey block forward: A Dementia Caster. Dementia Casters take the imaginary monsters we all had to deal with, from who's in the closet to what's eating away at the back of your mind, and throws them into reality, the more frightening the better, and usually with nightmarish results. While the process gradually eeps away at the minds of the average Dementia Caster, Nyght is relativly well grounded in reality, of course, having a host who's off her rocker already is a big help. |
Magic: The Gathering—Planeswalker
by David Gonterman, based on the Magic: The Gathering trading
card game from Wizards of the Coast. All Magic: The Gathering
material © 1982-2002 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary
of Hasbro, Inc. All additional material, including characters,
storyline, artwork, and incidentals, which is added to the
material mentioned prior, © 2002 David Gonterman. The
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is authorized to present all material on their site as they see
fit. Wizards of the Coast can have similar permissions with written
expression of their desires for the project. All readers are permitted
to complete fair use, including fan-inspired artwork and stories.
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resemblances are purely coincidental.