Jamie's dad, a world-renowned archelogist; a true life Indiana Jones. While on a archelogical dig with Jamie along on vacation, Gerrald stumbled into a Shrine devoted to someone who unnervingly resembles someone from Jamie's favorite Card Game, including an ancient journal with a cover shaped like the back of a M:TG card. This book, of course, is the Dominarian Book which Jamie unlocked.

Needless to say that Jamie's dad knows of Planeswalker's presence in his daughter. He has to: Planeswalker had to save his life because that very moment, that shrine was being raided by an Earthling wizard and Gerrald was in the way. Mr. McIndy may not know everything over what is happening, now or in the past, but if it involves his sole survivor of his family, he's resolved to find out, and what can be done about it.

Spured on by his quest for knowledge of Earth and Dominaria's shared past, Gerrald furthers his investigation in this portal between the two worlds with a focus matching his Dominarian namesake, traveling the world with the aid of a geek Serra Angelette which Planeswalker called on as a bodyguard for the mortal. The two drop in on occasion to check up on Jamie and compare notes.

Magic: The Gathering—Planeswalker by David Gonterman, based on the Magic: The Gathering trading card game from Wizards of the Coast. All Magic: The Gathering material © 1982-2002 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All additional material, including characters, storyline, artwork, and incidentals, which is added to the material mentioned prior, © 2002 David Gonterman. The Grimmoire web site (http://www.grimmoire.com) is authorized to present all material on their site as they see fit. Wizards of the Coast can have similar permissions with written expression of their desires for the project. All readers are permitted to complete fair use, including fan-inspired artwork and stories. Distribution and local storage of strips are permitted in it's unaltered nature; The FoxTail Icon located in the lower right corner serves as an informal Trademark. The stories, characters, and incidents mentioned herein are completely fictional, and all resemblances are purely coincidental.