50 Book Challenge

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I found another trend rolling around in the LJ's: A challenge to read 50 Books in the year, where you list the books you've read and shoot for 50 during 2007. Many a book on writing novels, especially my Textual Mentor, Stephen King, state that you should read a lot of books in order to write a lot. Even if you're not going to be a writer, reading a lot of books is a better way to spend you time.

Since there's a lot of blogs listing books, I'd figure I'd add my list here. How I read depends on whatever or not I get the gist of the book by the time I get to the end. Sometimes I end up understanding what happens in the book and consider the book read through even though I still have a couple chapters at the end. It happens every other book. When I'm more interested in a book, I'll read it through, enjoying it word for word. I wouldn't know which book will read what until I crack the cover. Of course, there's also audio books. Reading's reading no matter if you're reading it from your ears or your eyes.

In this page, I'll list what I've read. I don't know whatever or not I'll reach 50 books, but It's a good idea to try, isn't it?

List of Books

#1: "Lisey's Story" by Stephen King (Audio Book)
Entry on 04 Jan 07 Entry
Result: On Hold That McKool bastard on one side, Scott's nasty parents on the other. If there were just one, even Scott's source of the bad gunky hitting too close to home, but both at once is a bit much for me. But I'll buy a paperback version and keep it for a refrence, like what I did with Carrie.
#2: The Marshall Plan for Getting Your Novel Published, by Evan Marshall (Writers Digest Books)
At this stage in my life, I couldn't get enough books on writing--and publishing--books. I know there are two previous books on this Marshall Plan series, and I'll be getting them both as soon as I can.
#3: "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" by Hunter S. Thompson (Audio Book)
I've got a refrence for this while SeaweedPrincess IMed me about Lost Boy Found.
Result: FRICKING KEEPER!! I've never seen a more gonzo book (or heard it for that matter) I've ever seen.
#4: Time, Volumne 168, No. 26; 25 Dec 06-01 Jan 07.
The Person of the Year 06 Issue
Entry on 09 Jan 07 Entry
#5: "Riding the Bullet" by Stephen King (Audio Book)
I remember being afraid of roller coasters until I was 20. Having the Grim Reaper ride a Muscled-up Mustang was right up my alley.
#6: The Marshall Plan for Novel Writing by Evan Marshall (Writers Digest Books)
Entry on 24 Jan 07 Entry
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