BakaBreakers Strip 004

Next Strip: Strip 005, Introduction 05
Due Date: Thursday, 29 Nov 2001
Status: 50% = In the Scanning Stages
Comments: There are times when my characters just plain embarrass me. This is one of those times.
Red Envenlope
for Newbies
Black Envenlope
for Regulars

New Rant: 24 Nov 2001

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. As you know, that would be the first major holiday after 9-11, the day that changed the rules for many of our lives, including the addition of a possible Patron Saint in Reality Television. Okay, it inspired this strip too, but I need to be suptle with my ego; would you mind? :)

Above all I'd like to thank my own family for supplying the 18-poung gobbler for us to snack on for an whole week after the dinner, and I'm not going to list the rest of the menu. After what happened earlier this year, it really was a good thing that was just needed. I'd then like to thank my readership, be they those who been with me through thick and thin, those who like my stuff just for the Ed Wood Factor [That's what I call those who think that my stuff is the cheesiest B-quality dreck they've ever seen and they just flat out love it because of it's cheesiness. I appeal to this factor in the Black Envenlope], as well as all you MiSTX fans who just got infected with DVKitis because they heard of this character who trolls their bullitin boards about his semi-parody comic strip. It's mostly for this latter group that I'm doing this comic strip, and I hope that I can have a valued contribution to this new fandom with it.

New Rant: 24 Nov 2001

Now then, I would like to tell you what I've been doing this Thansgiving Week, and no, it doesn't involve me making cheezy strips.

It involves Golden Comics, a new online comic group of several people from accross the world, comming together to chase the oh-so-elusive rainbow of getting published. Oh Paper, that is. They've invited me to do the web page design, and I must say that I've done my best work yet. Or I would say that but I don't want to inflate my own ego. :)

At least it would show how I can actually work with others, you should admit. You can find this site at, and expect it to be updated later on this following week.