Comments on: Blood and Metal update Web Site Blog Wed, 16 Apr 2008 00:25:14 +0000 By: DaveykinsFoxFire DaveykinsFoxFire Thu, 10 Jan 2008 03:00:25 +0000 Using the card deck system's been very helpful. It was a method of organization that I used during my college years and I brought the concept out of the mothballs for my fiction writing. I basically write a crude outline (more like an ordered list of various scenes, dialogs, and other plot points) and add or subtract cards as I go along writing the project. Sometimes I have to move some scenes around, or even further break down one card into several new cards if a scene put on one card needs more explanation. It's basically breaking down the proverbial element into the numerous bites. In advance, before you start 'eating'. I hear you about the creative block. It happens to all of us, even the real big names. There are also other tools I use to hop over those blocks, like Mind Maps. Go to Wikipedia ( ) and find out how this fun tool can really help you. Good luck on your own writing as well :) Using the card deck system’s been very helpful. It was a method of organization that I used during my college years and I brought the concept out of the mothballs for my fiction writing.

I basically write a crude outline (more like an ordered list of various scenes, dialogs, and other plot points) and add or subtract cards as I go along writing the project. Sometimes I have to move some scenes around, or even further break down one card into several new cards if a scene put on one card needs more explanation. It’s basically breaking down the proverbial element into the numerous bites. In advance, before you start ‘eating’.

I hear you about the creative block. It happens to all of us, even the real big names. There are also other tools I use to hop over those blocks, like Mind Maps. Go to Wikipedia ( ) and find out how this fun tool can really help you.

Good luck on your own writing as well :)

By: Zemrad Zemrad Mon, 07 Jan 2008 04:04:34 +0000 Pardon the post necromancy, but I've been curious about the deck system you use when you write. How do you create the outline cards you use, and how much goes on them? Do you feel like they've been helpful so far? I'm an aspiring writer myself, and I'm trying to break a bit of a creative block, as well as figure out how to get my characters from Point A to Point B in my (SADLY sketchy) novel. Thank you for your time, and good luck on your writing! Pardon the post necromancy, but I’ve been curious about the deck system you use when you write. How do you create the outline cards you use, and how much goes on them? Do you feel like they’ve been helpful so far?

I’m an aspiring writer myself, and I’m trying to break a bit of a creative block, as well as figure out how to get my characters from Point A to Point B in my (SADLY sketchy) novel.

Thank you for your time, and good luck on your writing!
