There wasn’t much for me to post about as of late. What wasn’t spent playing with my Tax Return present, the current model of the Playstation Portable with Final Fantasy Tactics (Ivalice is nice this time of year. Ivalice is always nice any time of year.), I was looking for a new project to work on, and I’ve found it:
Coming in April 2008: Scarlet PI Remix #1
Long before I started on Murder in Main Street USA, I wanted to go through the web comic from Strip #1 and give it a proper redo. Go through the story and improve on it, get over the bumps and hazards I ran into the first time around, and actually put out some decent artwork. My Resolution was, of course, to get the fire back in my belly when it comes to drawing comics and artwork, and this is a good enough excuse as any to get it.
SPIR #1 takes care of the introduction of Jim Goodlow and the arrival of Scarlet. They’ll be a scene with Toni, as well as a discussion of the primary situation (the HFL case) in Scarlet’s own words. (And since she hasn’t been installed yet, there’s no accent to get in the way.)
My primary goal in SPIR is to take the CSI/Law and Order feel that readers got from Murder in Main Street and continue it into the origin story and beyond. It will be published in Lulu while I continue the story in the Web Comic at the usual places (including DeviantART) Wish me luck.
Topic: Blood and Metal Name Suggestion
This bit got solved with just a IM with one of my friends. I needed to get an alternative name to the location where most of the story takes place. Since BAM was originally a Sonic fan fiction–my primary goal is to put it in an all-original world that became Maatla–I used “Knothole Kingdom” as a placeholder. Of course, I needed a new name for the Open Door (Second) Draft:
I’ve got my answer while chatting with Drew Rhine, my online friend and the creator of the Scarlet character from the previous item, while we were discussing a newer idea from his head, about a race of Foxes called the Vintanii. It was originally made for the Planeswalker series, my Magic: the Gathering themed series. Since that is currently in the Salvage Yard–the metaphysical place where I keep the ideas that don’t fit now for the time when eventually they do–I suggested that he move the Vintanii to Maatla and make it part of the BAM world.
Hence the name “Knothole Village” became “Vintanii Village” and eventually by the time Eric showed up, the “Kingdom of Vinatos.” And I hope by the time I get to the beta stages that there will be a decent history of Vinatos for Eric to review.
As for Acorn and Sarah Knothole? I think it would be safe to keep them in remembrance of BAM’s not so humble origins and not catch heat by Archie. The reason is the placement of the names:
In Archie Sonic, Knothole was the name of the Village, while in BAM it’s a family name. Acorn is the family name of the Royal Family in Archie Sonic, while it’s relegated into the surname of King Acorn Knothole. This jumbling should be more than enough to keep the lawyers at bay.
I only hope I can do better lawsuit proofing with the other inspiration behind the BAM remake. Let’s just say that if I ever meet Stan Lee, I’m kicking him in the nuts. Hard. I don’t care if he never even touch the creation of Captain America #25 and my prescriptions keep the anger off, I’m still castrating that SOB.