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Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Switching to this blog to reiterate my stance in this topic from the Echo, mainly because there's three topics that quickly--very quickly--degenerate any and all debate into the point that Godwin's Law (In my language it's defined as this: 'In any and all online debate, especially in Newsgroup Threads; as the length of a certain thread/topic/debate/etc increases, the possibility of someone being called a Nazi, Hitler, Satan, Bin Ladin, or anything else just as low increases to 100%. The moment this occurs, said thread/topic/debate/etc is considered 'over' and the person doing the accusation has automatically lost the discussion.') is invoked: Religion, Politics, and Sports. I avoid the first two like the plague, to my merit. Do not wave a New York Mets banner in my face though, or even worse anything with Jeff Gordon on it.

It's the first topic that gets me here, and it involves the latest little gem Michael Eisner wants to bleed dry, because he wants a Corporate-sponsored Harry Potter series: W.I.T.C.H. This series comes from Italy (It seems that Mikey Boy has outsourced creativity as well) and sets around a series of five girls who became a cross between the Power Rangers and the Sailor Senshi, with a little bit of mysticism involved, to defend earth against a series of extrademensional baddies because of regularly occurring rips reality.

Sounds like something I would make. Heck, it sounds like 'Planeswalker' only without the Card Game refrence. That was my beef against it even though I will buy the series, mainly because they have comic pages which style I want to incorporate into my own style. Roy E Disney's beef is more respectable, who favors Princesses like Snow White, Ariel, Pocahontas, and all the others to be the protagonists than anyone who has abilities more suited for a Disney Villianess. A Disney Villianess as the Protagonist, that's my job in storywriting.

And then there's this!

Now look, Mr. and Ms. Joe and Jane Christian. I don't want to raise a stink, but I have to tell you to pick your battles and give W.I.T.C.H. the same disregard I give the half of the Portal of Evil that would flame you to death and flame you for dying. And trust me, show your cross and you might as well put on a bullseye.

I say that for one thing, and that's how you are precieved when you go after book series like W.I.T.C.H., Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, M:TG, and the like: There are obviously better things you can do for the Good Lord than go after books: Feed the Hungry, Heal the Sick or at least give First Aid, give charity to poor people (like me) and so on; stuff Jesus Christ himself would have done. Going after the latest fad fiction that shows high interest to youth with your verbal dismissials as Satanic, and you come off as "Chasing Windmills" to me, and practically everyone else as "Being a Troll."

And the only thing worse than a Troll is a Troll who's doing the Trolling for God. And/or Country.

And I am not surprised that those reading W.I.T.C.H. are looking at "Mickey Mouse is leading Kids to Hell" and immediately rolling their collective eyes. The reason is twofold. One, some of them--including myself, as research for a character or two for my stories--have actually studied Wicca. Call W.I.T.C.H. a series based on 'Witchcraft,' and these people would laugh at you. W.I.T.C.H. is as Wiccian as Archie's Sabrina. In fact, it's Sabrina times five. And two, let's be honest here. Do you honestly think that this would be the first time your prospective mission field, the readers of the W.I.T.C.H. series, have heard your admonitions? Truth be told, and I'm sure that Jesus Christ can vouch for me, that they've heard it thousands of times, over practically every other thing they're interested in, and have instantly tuned them out. You might as well quote scripture in Klingon.

I'm not one to promote any religion nor consider myself religious at all, although I will mention Jesus in a positive light including having Him do walk-on roles in my stories (A Jesus Christ-Jasmine Sparkfloe meeting in the works?), but I want to give those still in my former religion some pointers, which I do when I get the chance (I once gave a street preacher a copy of "Case for Christ" and "Case for Faith" to help his ministry, which would have given me some Deity-sponsored Whuffie if I didn't just now blurt it out), and I'll give my latest here. Stephen Curtis Chapman had a song that goes, "Don't tell them Jesus loves then until you're ready to love them too." This should be inforced at all times, I believe that those who spout out scripture and rail against Rock and Roll, book series, Wizards of the Coast and what not [i]and not give a rat's behind against those partaking in the above[/i] should be struck down by lightling, preferably by God as a public service before someone else does the deed.

You find someone reading W.I.T.C.H. and you want to get the reader interested in Christianity, do everything but attack W.I.T.C.H. You find out how that reader's doing, you suggest them other books to read while waiting for the next chapter (C.S. Lewis' Chronicle series works well, although the concept of an Alternate Reality version of Jesus being a lion would be considered questionable), you help them with their homework, offer then tea or coffee in a reading room (with music by Christian bands, sure), and so on, and so on, and so on. Do not go after that series. You might as well send them to the nearest coven the instant you do; you have just invoked Godwin's law, and you may have automatically lost more than a mere Newsgroup Thread because of it.

1 Corinthians 13:1 says 'If I speak in the tongues of men and angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a tinkling cymbol.' Sounding like brass and cymbols is the hallmark of being a Troll. I do not want those who's trying to do Good in the sight of their God to come off as Trolls.


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