
FoxFire Studios Blog

The official Blog for the FoxFire Studos web site at

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Oh no! The Evil Paypal button is back!!

I've just gotten through two wallpapers and put them up on the site, as well as something that would make some groan.

I wish there were a better way for me to do this.

I also wish I had enough money to get a new machine without asking for help from you.

But nonetheless, I have a five year old computer which is about ready to enter a sputter and putter stage, and it needs to get replaced. Of course, I hate begging--even from my mother--so I'm offering stuff for you to get as thanks for your donation, something I wanted to do in the first place. Right now I've set up a wallpaper in the Storefront tag, which is a start, and I will have more stuff going on as I go, including prints of various things (a la Walky) CafePress stuff, CD-Roms of stories once I get them to proper size, and so on.

I don't want to waste anyone's time, including myself, with my offerings. Bob Larson I am not. Nor am I going to shame your butt for not donating--either you're able and willing to help your favorite web cartoonist or you're not, what can I do to change that? I'm merely putting a hat down on the sidewalk and continue to play my tunes, and I hope that someone walking by would put a coin in it. If you are one of those, I thank you. As the song goes, "I get by with a little help from my friends."

A shoutout for all typo pointers

Dispite my best efforts in editing, the stray typo or two always, always slip past me. Timemaster Jake is to thank for my latest found 'Plutonium Turd' over at the Message Board, where I have my URL in the Intro page set at '' If you missed that one along with me, you're not alone.

I'll say it before, and I'll say it again, if you find a typo, send me an E-Mail at daveykins at and let me know! It would be greatly appreciated.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004   Friday, March 19, 2004   Saturday, March 27, 2004   Tuesday, April 20, 2004   Tuesday, May 04, 2004   Monday, May 17, 2004   Thursday, May 27, 2004   Wednesday, June 02, 2004