Author Subject Edge the Warrior Artie Beater-Upper posts: 159 (2/4/01 4:08:01 am) Reply the most funniest fic i have ever created..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- will be coming soon to TPCG... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! So whats it about its quite simple!!! Animation outakes!!! HOw can i make animation even more funny??? you'll see.... hee hee let me give you a small sample.. Ash: Alright Pikachu i want you to go battle that Rhydon!!! Pikachu: *Looks at the Rhydon then back at Ash* You can kiss my ass Ash i aint battling that damn thing go yourself!!!! *Shocks Ash* not so funny but i've compiled differnt things even some from video games. of course i have four fics ahead before i do this one so it will take a while to post that is TaeshiLH Meet the Sonic Know-it-all posts: 96 (2/4/01 7:53:24 pm) Reply Make sure to put in Megaman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sonic outake: Tails: SONIC!! EGGMAN HAS REBUIT THE DEATH EGG!!! YOU MUST SAVE IT _NOW_!!! Sonic: BAH!! Go to hell! Lemme sleep Amy: ~Sonic~ Your pretty lil' girlfriend is here Sonic: *Sighs* LEAVE ME ALONE!! Knuckles: Yo, 'S', got some grapes? *Sonic gets annoyed by everyone* Sonic: LEAVE ME ALOOOONNNEEEEEE *Spindashes everyone* Grrr *Huffs and puffs from anger and then turns to the camera* What the hell are _YOU_ recording!!! YOU BETTER STOP THAT YOU *Bleep*ing *Bleep* Bleep*!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!! Cameraman: NO!! SONIC!! N- *Camera buzzes and goes away cause Sonic spindashed it* Wouldn't THAT be a hell of a game =D