Author Subject Da Chicken Master TPCG Minister of War posts: 96 (9/30/00 9:04:13 am) Follow the Leader! (A FanFic!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This one was made on the spot for SonKnuck, our new leader! (That sounds like a cult thing...O.O) ----------- (Everyone is gathered around and stuff. Sonique steps up.) Sonique: Okay, I gotta make this quick, since Space Monkeys are on in five minutes. SonKnuck is the leader guy! (SonKnuck jumps up and down yelling something about Riochets' Mom.) SonKnuck: I'm so honored! Pinch me! (Riochet punches him.) Riochet: NEVER MAKE COMMENTS LIKE THAT ABOUT MY MOM! SonKnuck: That hurt. Follow me for a thing! Riochet: I'm not going, he made fun of my mom. SonKnuck: It has to do with breaking every Pokerom ever made! Riochet: (Gets up instantly.) YAY!!!! (All follow SonKnuck. Later...) Lil: I'M HUNGRY!!! GIVE ME FOOD! GIMMEGIMMEGIMME! SonKnuck: Here it is! Lil: CANDYCANDYCANDYCANDY! SonKnuck: (SonKnuck pressess a button.) Riochet: Esca Flowne sucks. (Scene:Pokemon Studios, Japan. The Pokemon creator is sitting on a pile of yen, and about 50 women are sitting around him.) Creator Guy: Oh yes. I will soon rule the world! Hey, what's that noise? (500 missles hit him. TPCG HQ....There's a party, and everyone's piss drunk.) THE END!!!! Congrats, Knuck!