TPCG Daily Life! Ep. #2 Posted by Riochet on August 06, 2000 at 18:48:40 Yes, I forgot about it again...anyhoo, here it is. --------- --------------------------------------- THE PERFECT CHAOS GANG DAILY LIFE! Episode #2-"Newbieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" --------------------------------------- (Theme Music Plays) (Hey, at least it isn't a "wonky" tune) (Caption that flys across the screen-"Director-Riochet") (Theme ends. Outside of TPCG Base...Edge and Seth are on gaurd) Edge-...And then, WHAM! My clone came from no where, and beat the crap outta Shadow! Then, it was revealed that he was really Zac! Then I... (Caption-"Producer-Riochet") Seth-(In monotone) Woooow. Yaaaaay. What fun. (Out of no where, a Non-TPCG member walks over to the building. Seth whips out a cow, and Edge does nothing because he's still going on about how he beat Shadow) Seth-Stop right there, or the cow will eat you! Cow-Moooooooo. ???-Please, don't let the cow eat me. I am Nakkurusu, the official annoyer of TLoB! Most the time people call me Nakk! Seth-I thought Riochet did that... (Edge is still rambling on) Edge-....So then, We all go on vacat...(Sees Seth is talking to Nakk) Hey...what's going on? Seth-Newbie! Edge-Newbie? Ami-(Busts through wall) YAPPAAAAA! NEWBIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! (Ami crash lands in the beach) Shorty-(Runs out door) Ami! My poor Ami! (Picks up Ami) ....NEWBIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Sonique-Newbie? Where, where? Riochet-(Driving TPCG Mobile wildly) Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw!!! New-frickin'-bie! Matt-(Doing a dance) Hey! Doing the newbie dance! Woowoo woowoooooooooo! (Crashes into a wall. No one cares) Sz-(Flying around for some reason on a string) Wooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo! (Flies into TPCG Mobile, where Riochet is driving) OWW! Munkee-(Flies out the window) Weeeeeeeeeee! Newbieeeeeee! (Crashes into Seth's cow) (TL walks out of the building looking very pissed indeed) TL-Now, what's with all this racket? When I was a boy...(No one listens to TL and continues to yell "Newbie!". TL notices this) Huh? Newbie? Where? Nakk-Hey TLoB! TL-Hey Nakk. Too busy to talk, looking for newbie. Nakk-I am the newbie, jackass. TL-Uh...heh heh. No yer not. Nakk-Yes I am! TL-No your not! Nakk-Uh huh! TL-Nuh uh! Nakk-'Fraid so! TL-'Fraid not! Sonique-Shut up you two. Now I have a very important question. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Who the hell put the bop in the bop sho bop sho bop? Riochet-(Still driving like an idiot) Who put the bang in the walla walla bing bang? Shorty-AAAAAAMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Ami-Huh? What is it? Shorty-... ... ... ... ... My pudding can thingy broke. Ami-(Gets a can opener) Here. (Shoves the can opener in Shorty's arms, and walks away) Shorty-....Thank you! (Opens pudding can and eats it) (Later, we see Nakk up close in the camera) Nakk-Are you sure this is vital to become a member? Riochet-Yes! (Camera zooms out and we see Nakk is tied to a stake. There are 5 and 1/2 circles of gasoline and gun powder around it. Riochet and Lil are putting in the last rows of the gasoline and gun powder rows. After that, all of TPCG gather around it, and Sonique passes out matches, and all light one match each. Then...) Sonique-Now, this is the official "Newbie Burning" ceromony. You will all throw your lit matches in the circles. (All do so. Camera zooms in on Nakk) Nakk-Ooh! Hot! Firey! Ow...that's getting to be too hot...(Looks down and sees that the post he's on has burned. He falls into the circles) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! Riochet-Maybe we went too far. SonKnuck-Naah. (All of a sudden the "Tonic Battleship" comes, and Tonic jumps off. He falls into the fire. All celebrate. A few hours later) Lil-Hey, that light's pretty bright. Seven X-Yeah... Mike-Oh crap! Sz-Now what is it, Mike? Mike-We didn't get Nakk outta there! He's still in the fire! Seven X-Aww crap! Lil-Crud! (A charred Nakk walks up to them) Nakk-Don't *COUGH* worry. I'm out. *COUGH* did ya... Nakk-Does anyone really care? All but Nakk-No. Nakk-Yay! Explaining sucks! <~THE END!~> <~CREDITS!!~> Johnny Behle as....Riochet the Hedgehog Niel Lafrenais as....Shorty the Hedgehog Alison Scharelman as....Sonique the Hedgehog Amber Freeman as....Ami the Hedgehog Mike Shaffer as....Mike the Hedgehog (Don't know) as....Lil (Hedgie) the Hedgehog Dominic Maheux as....SonKnuck the Hedgehog Matt Newman as....Matt the strangly not a Yak Josh Allen as....Edge the Fox Seth Wilson as....Seth the Wolffox Eric (Dunno) as....TLoB the Echidna Todd Ponder as....Munkee the Echidna (With wings!) (I dunno) as....Nakkurusu the Echidna (I dunno) as....Seven X the Reploid Bad Guy..... B.J. Brown as....Tonic --------------------------------------------------------- TPCG is (C) Alison Scarelman "TPCG Daily Life!" is (C) Johnny Behle (Hey...that's me!) All Charectors are (C) themselves. Unauthorized duplication of this FANFICTION will be found and I will hunt them down! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Icq-75801579 AIM-Don't have it, don't want it! Good Day! ^__^