Riochet OOR* in: Dr.H *(Pronounced:Double O R) FANFIC PART1 Sun May 30 10:45:50 1999 By:Riochet NOTE:Revenge of the Morons is not dead. I'm trying to write more than 1 at a time! ---------- OOR --- Part1 ----- (We see Riochet swing into place,via grappling hook. He throws a bomb and jumps out. Bomb explodes,and the title races across the screen.After the theme,we go to the SP HQ) Soneec:(On phone) Okay right. (Hangs up) Excuse me, where's OOR? He was sopposed to be here a week ago! Person:He's still trying to get out of SaMaNtHaLand. Soneec:STILL? :::We now go to the plane OOR tried to escape from::: (OOR is tied to a chair) OOR (Riochet):Crap. Samantarian 1:Hlkshlkshlkshl! (Translation:Ha,ha.ha!) Samantarian 2:whwejkldl! islkfhdlaf! (We got him! I can't believe it!) Riochet:(Thinking) Oh man I have to go to the can! Now,I learned Samnese before...I got it! Riochet (In Samnese): Gabkkgkfdkgdfg? (Translation:Can I go to the can?) Samantarian 3:Ondlfdklglkglglfgd. (Translation:Okay, I don't see harm in that!) Riochet:Kdfkfkf. (Translation:Thank you.) Riochet (Thinking):Hmmmm... parachute...AHHA! Riochet:Okpfpkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhflggdf! (Translation:Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Suckers!) (Riochet jumps out) Samantarian 4:KL';hg'l,';fg!!!!!!! (Translation:Bunger! Follow him! Bunger:KJjd. (Translation:Yes) (Bunger jumps out) Riochet:Work,you stupid parachute! Uhoh! (Parachute opens) Bunger:lkjmldkflkgf!!! (Translation:OPEN! Parachute doesn't open) Bunger:Ukf?sgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!! (Translation:Huh? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!) (Riochet gets back to the HQ) Riochet:Hello. Person:Soneec has a mission for you. Riochet:Another one? Why doesn't she get RRR*,or someone else? Person:That's why she wants to talk to you. TO BE CONTINUED.... What happened to the others? Will the Samantarians catch up? What is the mission? All this and more on: Dr. H: Part2 *That is Triple R