Another one of my MiSTs, enjoy! ^,^ STARRING.... SHORTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!-Must…shoot…at…something… (Lalala) He'll try to keep his sanity With the help of his really stupid friends. SIDEKICK ROLL CALL..... RIOCHEEEEEEEETTTTT!!!!!!-Who you callin’ stupid?? SOONNIIQQUUUUEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-You're on AOL LLLIIILLL HHHEEEEEDDDDGGGGIIIIEEEE- ummm….hi? And other pointless facts. (Lalala) Repeat to yourself "The rainbow has 7 colors" And then you can relax! for Mystery Sonic Theater 3000! Shorty: I DON’T WANNA BE HERE!! I WANNA GO HANG OUT WITH AMI!! I WANNA GET OUT OF HERE!! Lil Hedgie: Damn! I thought you were used to it…I’ve been here 3 days…. Riochet: Is this one of those death MiSTs? Sonique: Lets see… (Sonique puts in movie reel) >Operation Death Egg >Chapter One >in Sonic's Apearances Shorty: Who’s the author? >Sonic awoke on a warm spring day. Sonique: ..which turned into a thunder storm seconds after >Sally greeted him with a kiss on the nose. Riochet: ACCCHHOOOO!!!!! Sorry, Sal, hey, why you green? >No one had been harmed or even heard Robottnik for weeks. Lil Hedgie: …because Robotnic has been locked in the bathroom, taking a huge dump that has been bothering him for years! >Sonic knewthat the joyfulness would end soon. Shorty: Sonic ‘knewthat’ the joyfulness would end soon because Sally stopped screwing him >He had dreams of new faces, Sonique: Look at our little facies! ~lah lah~ >strange voices, Riochet: Do you like scary movies? >and a war.Who knew what was up ahead for the hedgehog. Lil Hedgie: *Throwing a beachball at Sonic* Heads up! >Robottnik knew... Shorty: Yeah, Robottnik , tell us your evil secrets! >Death Egg >Other Side Of Mobs Sunrise Riochet: THE LIGHT!!! IT BURNS!!! >5:00 A.M. Riochet: DAMN IT SALLY, why’d you wake me up at that time??? >"Snively!You dunder head!Where is my stone! Lil Hedgie: Did you check in your pants? Shorty: Shouldn’t there be a question mark? >Tell me now!"Robottnik yelled Sonique: While Robotnic played poker with a swatbot >spitting everywhere. Riochet: Snively, wanna watch my impersonation of a sprinkler again? >"It seems to be located on The Floating Island sir"Snively said >"Take me and my Death Egg there. Lil Hedgie: Robotnic, lets not get horny now >We will send out a search party for the stolen stone. Sonique: WEEEEEE!!! PARTY!!! BREAK THE PINATA!! >The Death Stone! Riochet: How original can these writers get? >"Robottnik yelled Lil Hedgie: Its spelled R-O-B-O-T-N-I-C!!! >The mechanical egg floated off into the distance away from Robotropolis and Shorty: …crashed into the land of compost heaps. The end, Im outta here! All but Shorty: NO!!! SIT!!! Shorty: All right… >to Floating Island. Sonique: Oh crap! >Floating Island >Other Side Of Mobius Sunrise >5:00 A.M. Riochet: LET ME SLEEP!!! >"Hey Jesty!I think you should look at this"a brown echidna shouted to a green one. Lil Hedgie: I found a detachable dick, want to try it out? Shorty: Ok, LH, shut up.. >"In a sec Chaos"Jesty yelled back. >"This can't wait bro"Chaos yelled Riochet: I’m about to pee real bad! >"There is this huge egg coming our way!" Sonique: Not if you take your head out of daddy’s trousers, Chaos! >"An egg"Jesty said puzzled >"On Floating Island? All: Well, DUH!!! >Ok let me see it." >"Maybe that RED echidna has something to do with this. Lil Hedgie: Probably Tikal! *All but LH roll their eyes* >Or what about that BLUE hedge..." Riochet: I’m Rhino, the magical pumpkin! >"That does not matter right now!What matters is what this thing really is?" "I thought it was an >egg?" Shorty: No, its a tampon! Sonique and Lil Hedgie: HEY!! >Chaos questioned > Knothole Village:Sonic's Hut >Sunrise >5:15 A.M Riochet: I…need… >Sally got up and started pacing around the room. Lil Hedgie: 3…..2….1…..MY PERIOD IS HERE!!! >"Sonic I'm worried"She said"What if Knuckles fails and Daddy doesn't survive?" Shorty: Deal with it, MAKE US BREAKFAST!! >"Sally, Knuckles will succeed.I know he will" >"But the cyrstalizing is almost complete" Sonique: Who-what-now? >"Aunt Sally"It was Tails"What's for breakfast?" Riochet: GREEN EGGS AND HAM, I made it by taking ordinary eggs and ham, sitting down on em’ and.. Lil Hedgie: *Covers Riochets mouth* That’s enough >"Why don't you go ask Bunny sweetie!" Shorty: I’m too lazy and weak to do that… >"Ok Sally"Tails said leaving the hut. "Lets go Sonic.Breakfast awaits" Riochet: I’MMMMM WWAAAIIIIIITTTTIIIINNNNGGGG!! >Knothole Village : Mess Hall Lil Hedgie: I’m so dirty! > Breakfast >: 6:00 A.M. Riochet: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! >"This is great sally"Tails said Shorty: My calendar of Playboy 2000 is here, I’ve been waiting so long!! >"Ya it shure is sugah"Bunnie said Sonique: Ya it shure tasty for crap! >"I'm so happy you love it bunnie.It was Antiones recipe" Lil Hedgie: All throw the food up after Sally finishes saying that >Sally responded Sonique: ……..this food is gonna leave me with bad breath >"How can you stand that slop!?" Shorty: I can stand on it *stands on slop* see? >Sonic said munching on the usual chili-dog. Riochet: Maybe Sonic doesn’t want the chili-dog, maybe he wants the slop! *All stare at Riochet* >"It is very good Sonic!"Sally smirked "S-S-S-Sally" Shorty: Who’s that? Sonique: It’S-S-S me, I’m one of donkey KongS-S-S enemieS-S-S, a kremlin >Knuckles called in a collapsed heap. Lil Hedgie: Ami is NOT going to like seeing THIS >"Rotor get him to the Medical hut!Hurry!"Sally yelped Riochet: Look, I’m a sad dog, yelp yelp yelp yelp yelp >"I'm right on top of it Sally" Shorty: Poor, Knuckles, he’s gonna die with all of Rotor’s weight on top of him… >He said caring Knuckles in a rush. Sonique: I love you, Knuxie, I care so much about you!! >"Do you think he has "the" sword in that backpack Sal?"Sonic asked All: ……… Riochet: Did we skip a little? >"He does Sonic"A strange voice called, Lil Hedgie: I am Drillo, the amazing pink Panda Bear with two heads! >"Hello.I am Archemedies." Lil Hedgie: hey, Sonique, can we do Archemedies? Sonique: SURE!!! All: Archemedies Archemedies bo Barchemedies! Banana fanna fo Farchemedies! Fe fi fo Marchemedies! ARCHEMEDIES! Riochet: That was long…. >"Arch a whatsess!"Sonic said dazed and confused Shorty: WOW!! His name is long! >"You can call me Arch.Or if you would rather call me archimed...." >"I think I'll stick with Arch."Sonic said Sonique: Seriously, I AM STUCK!!!! GET ME SOMETHING!!! >"I assisted Knuckles on his quest to find Riochet: …the magical pink pixie wand >"the" sword." >"Sonic I think we need to check up on Knuckles"Sally said Lil Hegdie: NO, SALLY, LET HIM BURN, HAHAHAHAHAHAA, wait, the person she’s talking about is Knuckles? *All but LH nod* Lil Hedgie: AWWWWWWW, dammit! >"You mean to say you!?A little fire ant helped him!Woah!"Sonic was amazed. Shorty: Hey, Tails, come see this little fire ant with the long name!!! COOL!!! >"Sonic Hedgehog NOW!"Sally screamed Riochet: SHUTTAP, YOU SQUIRREL, CAN’T YOU SEE I’M CHATTING WITH AN ANT? >"Ok Ok!Good grief Sonique: Good, grief, Sonic, I just want to see a normal hedgehog, a NORMAL hedgehog! >you can't even talk in peace anymore" Lil Hedgie: Yeah, Sally, SHUTTAP!! >Sonic grumbled walking out of the hut. Shorty: Sonic is acting like a 2-year old and Sally is his mommy *All laugh at the thought* >"I will see you later hedgehog.Much later...."Archimedies said while disappearing Sonique: Not one of those ghost schemes, GAY! >Doununda : D.ownunda U.ndercover H.ideout (D.U.H.!) >Other Side of Mobious (OSM) > 7:30 A.M. Riochet: Oh look, its DUH! >"Something seems wrong at Floating Island"a young sleek brown flying squirrel said Lil Hedgie: Rick The Squirrel? >"Calm down Swank that's none of bees wax anyway!" Lil Hedgie: Awwww… >A black cat pointed out "Yes it is Yes it is!YESITISYESITISYESITIS!"Swank cried out >"No its not"The cat said >forcing the squirrel up against the wall with his claws. Shorty: NOITSNOTNOITSNOTNOITSNOTNOITSNOT! >"O............Kay........"Swank said slipping out of his grasp "Spike let him down."A young armadillo >resembling Mighty replied Sonique: How come the squirrel gets the fun? NOFAIRNOFAIRNOFAIRNOFAIR! >"Ugh!Your big old mouth will get you in 'lot of trouble one of these days!"The cat said slowly loosining his >grasp. "I have a lock on something."A Rhino said"It's a a a....." Riochet: AN INCREDIBLE DICK THE SIZE OF KANSAS! *All raise an eyebrow at Riochet* Riochet: Hey, a person can think! >Death Egg >OSM >7:40 A.M. >Robottnik *Lil Hedgie cries by how many times the author mispelled Robotnic* >stomped around the Death Egg with a worried look on his face. Shorty: I don’t want to get a surprise constipation… >"Sir We passed the Floatind Island"Snively said Riochet: An we are headed to Floating Island! > "I know that we are not headed there any more" >"But,what about the Deat..." >"Shut up!I know what I am doing.Your just a bucket of bolts!" >"Your the bucket of bolts ya big....."Snively murmerd >"WHAT WAS THAT!" Sonique: I said that you are a big bucket of bolts! Thats what I ‘murmerd’ >"Uh.... what about Sonic? Riochet: He’s off on a little adventure with his two-tailed buddy, Tails, he’s zooming through zones, killing all the badniks, and stopping the evil Dr.Robotnic which changed his name to Robottnic, he will be going on a huge adventure where he will change his personality into Mangouly, the green muskrat >"Yes what if that blue pincushion distroys my Death Egg like he did last time?" Lil Hedgie: Hey! I have feelings, ya know, and I am not going to ‘distroy’ your Death Egg like last time so shut up you big fat rotten egg! >"Don't worry sirrrr.The whole egg is surrounded by skybots" Shorty: Pff, yeah right! >"He'll find a way I can sense it" >"Pardon my asking sire , but where exactly are we?" Sonique: Just follow the yellow brick road and we will be out of here in no time! >"How am I supposed to know you dumbott!Check the map" >Snively grabbed the map and looked for the small grounded island they were aproaching. >"Sir this island is not on the map.Then maybe we should use this for our base of operations." >"Snively I have the best idea"Robottnik yelled Riochet: I am going to make a laser which will enlarge my dick and make it the size of Sally’s head! Lil Hedgie: Enjoying your talking Rio? >"Lets use this for our base of operations!Brilliant!" >"Shure wish you thought it up"Snively mutterd >"WHAT!!!!!" Shorty: I don’t wanna tell you what I ‘mutterd’, I am ‘shure’ about that! >"Um..I'm late for my uh...........convention.Gotta go!" Sonique: Was that suppose to be funny? >KnotholeVillage >8:00 A.M. >"Where iz zee edgehog my princess?"Antoine said Riochet: Edgehog? Was that a typo? Lil Hedgie: ……….Yes, its a typo.. >"Sonic?Oh he's off somewhere with Tails"She responded Shorty: Lets keep where they are a secret, heh heh >"What iz bothering you zen?" Sonique: Oh, just have to go to WAL-MART to buy some you-know-what’s for the you-know-who’s >"I am just worried that king won't survive?" Riochet: Well, GUESS AGAIN!! HAHAHAHAHAHA, BURN!!! >"He will Sally...He will" Lil Hedgie: He’s just in a restaurant named HOOTERS, so dont worry… >Robotropolis >8:15 A.M Shorty: My, does time go slow on fics….didn’t it start at 5:00 A.M? >Sonic zoomed in to the base ready to attack.Tails followed along. Sonique: Suddently they slammed to a tree causing Robotropolis to explode in a huge mayhem, The End, LETS GO NOW!!! >"Strange?There are no SWATbots anywhere."Sonic said Riochet: Kewl, a beta!! >"I think that eclipse is strange!"Tails yelled "Huh..."Sonic said studing the sky Lil Hedgie: That star looks like Jupiter, that star looks like Venus, and that star looks like…. >"Thats no eclipse!Thats another Death Egg! Shorty: Not another one!!! >But how did buttnik build one that quick?" Riochet: Maybe its one of his nuts! >"Maybe he didn't build it Sonic?Maybe it was from the Zone of Silence.Or the Void!Who knows"Tails >said "We better report back to Sal." Lil Hedgie: No, LET HER BURN, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! >"Sonic,"Tails said"I'll report back you do some damage!" "Great idea little bro.I'm going in." Sonic >zoomed away just as Tails had begun to fly. Shorty: Slamming to a working fan, The End, lets go………ummmmmm…….. All: ………………………….THATS ALL???!!!!! Lil Hedgie: I thought this was gonna be longer Sonique: Looks like someone ripped apart the movie Riochet: …..Guess we will never know what happens Shorty: You know how it usually ends, Sonic battles, wins, goes home, and eats ten pounds of soap Riochet: YEAH!!!!! *Sonique turns off the lights and they all leave* Riochet: Does detachable Dick really exist?…Hello? Hello?