Knuckle in Echinda Land 5 "Marrige" Legal Disclaimer: Why? Why!? Why!?! Sonic and the rest are copyrighted by Sega, but these aren't those charectors. That's enough. I won't start that long talk like before... Knuckle in Echinda Land 5 Marrige Another spoof of a topic long dead by David...The Lurker! Knuckle and Kuckles are busy playing around there new home, Echidna Land. They are also eating pie. Suddenly, someone walks in. "hi." "who r u?" asks Knuckle. "me am tAils." "Tils?" "no, tAils." "k." tAils walks away, and Kuckles starts talking to a towel. "hHHfglahowehwaonfiwenaio!!!" yells Kuckles. "huh?" Knuckle, perplexed at the color of the towel, went to the town hall of Echidna Land. He goes to the queen pie, Samantha Clarfet, to ask her a question. "Samammta?" Knuckle asks. "?" replies Samantha. "Y is towl bue?" "PIIIIIEEEE!!!" "Ok." Knuckle, who somehow has understood this message, goes out of Samantha's office, and starts to leave the town hall. However, a pie falls on his head. "huh? Pie!" Knuckle yells. He is about to eat it, but stops when he sees how it has fallen. "? It sys, 'marri tAils'!" Knuckle runs off, thinking that the pie has told him to marry tAils. In fact, the pie spelled "Iek." Knuckle thinks he can read, but he can't. "tAils!!!!!!" "stp ylling!" "k." "wht is it?" "th pie hs told me to marri u!" "let's hurri!" So, Knuckle and tAils go off and tell everyone the "good" news. After a while, tAils asks a question. "Hy, are we diffrnt sexs?" "i duno." "shold we be?" "i duno." "if the PIE sid we shuld marri, then we mst be diffrnt! "ys!" It's finally wedding day... "do u, Knuckle, tke tAils to be a wiff?" asks, the preacher, Samantha Clarfet. "ok." says "do u, tAils, tke Knuckle to be a husbnd?" "yep." "i prounce u mn & PIE!" "Yay!" everyone says together. So, Knuckle and tAils go off together from the church, with everyone throwing the traditional pie at the couple. And so continues...Echidna Land! Next time: Knuckle in China Land 6: Honnymoon Land Knuckle and tAils go off to Honnymoon Land, and win a few interesting surprises...