Knuckle in China Land 4 The Big Move Legal Disclaimer: Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles "Tails" Prower, Knuckles the Echidna, and all related characters are copyrighted by Service and Games(SEGA). Let us contemplate why I'm writing a legal disclaimer. These stories are based off characters that only slightly resemble the Sonic the Hedgehog characters. Why, Knuckle, Kukles, and Sonic Caos don't act like Sonic and company at all! So, in conclusion, there is no point to this introduction/Legal disclaimer. End of, dare I say it, quoting the (in)famous SONIC FAN, by saying, "End of KEGAL STUFF"? Wait, I just said it! I hope you passed this part, because who reads legal disclaimers? If you do, send a self addressed stamped envelope to... Knuckle in China Land 4 The Big Move Another (kindof) funny story by David...The Lurker! Note: Knukle, Kuckles, and Sonic Caos text will remain untraslated, because it's pretty much readable. Samantha, on the other hand, will be translated, unless it's something funny and you can guess. Knuckle and Kuckles were busy playing in the main park of China Land. They didn't know what they wanted to do that day, so they decided to go ask their friend, Sonic Caos. "Wht do u wnt to do tody?" asked Knuckle. "I dnt no," replied Caos. "PIE!!" yelled Kuckles. "A-HA!" yelled Sonic Caos. "Wht?" replied Knuckle. "I no wht two do tody! We shld mve to a nw lnd, cald Ekinda lnd!" "Y?" "B cause me tinks tat u are a Ekinda!" "O....." Knuckle, Kuckles, and Sonic Caos go to the main building in China Land, where the grand ruler, Samantha Clarfet lives. "IE8u8og oingoien@!!![translation: Hello Knuckle and Kuckles! What do you want today?]" "we fll tat we shld mve to ekinda lnd!" yells Knuckle and Kuckles. "K!" yells Samantha. "Ith aeijf eli;al laf eoj oie fe ao a potato algj eiojew fwose o ij oi;," says Samantha. "Huh?" replies Knuckle. It is moving day in China Land. The pie is in a large bin, and the rest of the belongings of China Land are in a carpet bag, which just happens to be in the shape of a pie. "PIE!" yells Kuckles. "Mby we shldnt yll so mch?" says Caos. "Sre, k." says Knuckle. Finally, the gang move. When they arrive in Echinda Land, they find that it is sane. "We shll chnge it wright ow," the gang decide. In 14 seconds, the main hall has turned into pie. The workers now find it extreamly hard to do paperwork, that is, if their was any. The rest of the populance have either run out of the city in fear or are huddiling in a corner, mumbling pie. The trio walk, comtenplating life and how they can have a new start. "Lts contplte lfe and how we cn hve a nw strt," says Caos. "K." "We cn strt nw, and finnd x-actly the true resns of life, and if the unverse is tuly mde out f PIE." "K." "We cn eat stff, nd stuff." "K." "LALALALA!!!!" "K." And so begians....Echinda Land! Next: Knuckle in Chi--er...Echinda Land: 5: Marragie A new charector is introduced into the Echinda Land gang. Then, someone gets married(older members of Sonic Pandemonium may already know what will happen)