The A's Part 1: A new begaining... (It is another day in the B.G.U.B. AJ is working on a top secret project. Andre is sleeping, and Samantha is eating pie.) AJ: Andre, Samantha, Cornelius, Potato Man, Hougan, Amy, and the members of China Land. My minions of Anti-Sonic Adventure. As of now, they have all faild me. But now, I think I have found the answer! (Andre wakes up and does his "happy" dance.) Andre: And what is that? AJ: That you are all idiots! Because of your stupidity, we have not been able to destroy the members of Sonic Pandamonium... Andre: So what are you going to do? AJ: I have been working on this experimental chemical that would allow me to raise the intelligence of any creature that this comes in contact with! Samantha: aklisfgoiwhgo! (translation: Neat-O!) (Andre then does his "happy" dance once again, except that he knocks down all of the technical equipment that AJ had.) AJ: You idiot! (In a fit of rage, AJ picks up a test tube. He throws it, missing Andre. Instead, it hits Samantha. It goes through her head, killing her instantly.) Andre: AJ, you killed Samantha! AJ: Good riddance... Andre: My creation... (AJ then takes the last of intellegance potion and injects it into Andre.) Andre: ARRGGGHHHH!!!! AJ: Yes! Andre: What happend? Suddenly I feel.... AJ: Intelligent? Andre: Why....yes! AJ: HAHA! It worked! Now, we shall finally succed in destroying SP... To be continued... What will this mean to Sonic Pandamonium? Will AJ create more of this mysterious potion? Will Samantha return? What will Potato Man say? Will anyone have big parts? All this and more in The A's part 2! The A's Part 2: The new members AJ: HAhaHAha!! Soon, my plan will be complete... Andre: What have you done to all the members of the B.G.U.B.? AJ: I have...eliminated them. (We then see multiple glass tubes with Samantha, Cornelius, Potato Man, Amy, Hougan, and the members of China Land.[who are Knuckle, Kuckles, and Sonic Caos.]) Andre: But why? AJ: You'll see...HAHAHAHA!!!! Andre: Must you always laff? (Meanwhile, at SP, nobody is doing anything. Everyone is board.) Mechtails: I'm board. Soneec: Me too. Shorty: Yes... (Suddenly, something happens.) H.Mac: Wait a minute, do you smell that? Riochet: Why...yes! H.Mac: The familer smell of pie that has been plaging this land is gone! Soneec: But wouldn't that mean that Samantha and her minions are gone? Shorty: Yes... Soneec: Doesn't that mean we are now givin a much larger free time? Shorty: Yes... (Suddenly, David the Lurker! runs into the room from nowhere, because that's where he was....nowhere.) David TL: Everybody! Look outside! Soneec: Yes, we know, Samantha Land has somehow dissapeard and... David TL: No, look! (Everyone then looks outside. What they see disturbs them very much.) SonKnuck: Where Samantha Land used to be... Mike S.: now where a giant factory of Anti-SA is. Shorty: Yes... (David TL then dissapears once again, and no one seems to care. Cynthia, mechatails and Edge the Fox take his place.) To be continued... What could this Anti-SA factory mean? Is pie truly gone? Are the followers also truly gone? Will Andre remain intelligent? Will Shorty stop saying Yes...? What will the early bird special be? Will this have any affect on the PAFF or any other fanfic? Will I ever shut up? Probobly not.... The A's Part 3: This has nothing to do with the last part! (It is another day in SP. A pie is in the central square.) Shorty: Soneec, why is their a pie in the square? Soneec: Don't look at me... Hougan: I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.......... Riochet: Something doesn't seem right... SonKnuck: What is the meaning of life? Does it involve oranges? Mechtails: Exscuse me... H.Mac: Why? (H.Mac's then stretches out like stretch armstrong.) Mechtails: Hey, you can't do that! H.Mac: Hey, you're right! SecMan: Someone must be behind this! YarHarHar: Wasn't some type of fanfic supposed to be here? (Suddenly, a man runs up to everyone. He is followed by a woman, and a dog, and 3.5 children.) Riochet: 3.5? Sonknuck: Wait a minute! This must be the work of the man behind the curtain! (SonKnuck pulls back the curtain, and David TL is behind it.) David TL: no attention to the man behind the curtian. Riochet: But why are you doing this? You know that this has nothing to do with anything. David TL: I know... Rlan: Then why? David TL: I was bored. Hougan: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To be continued... Next: Returning to the real story! How will the members of Sonic Pandamonium handle the new Anti-SA factory? And...all those other questions I said in the last part. Stay tuned! The A's Part 4: Really, these are the new members AJ: HAHA!! Now, I will create the new members of my Anti-SA campaign! I will destroy all that I don't like! Hehe! Andre: Hehe? (The gang of SP are quickly heading to the new factory. Little do they know what they will encounter.) SonKnuck: Hey, what will we encounter? (You can't know yet.) SonKnuck: Damn! Soneec: Shh! I hear something... (Suddenly, they are ambushed by 5 new robots, called A-101, A-102, A-103, ahh, you know the rest.) Soneec: A-102? As in E-102? AJ: Of corse not, the A stands for AJ! Rlan: What are these new creations? SecMan: They seem to be highly sophisticated pices of machinery, nothing that Andre or anyone else at Samantha Land could make. AJ: HAHA!!! (The A series robots attack the SP gang. They fight bravly, but the budgets to low, so we can't show the battle. However, I can talk about Potato Man's visit to the Potato farm before he was destroyed. It all begain...) All: SHUT UP!!! (Sorry.) (Anyway, because of something, Cynthia, mechatails and Edge are captured. Zac is killed, and because I ingnored him in the last parts, I'm going to let him talk.) Zac: I'll never die!! (And, knowing Zac, he probobly won't.) Zac: Yes... Shorty: Yes... Soneec: Oh no. Shorty: It wasn't my fault I said it! It was his! (Mine?) Shorty: Yes, you! (Oh.) Shorty: Alright then. SecMan: Alright, I think that's enough pointless converstion. (The rest of the 5 A series robots that are there are destroyed. AJ leaves, with the captives. The rest of the SP gang plan a rescue.) H.Mac: O.K, we need to save the captives. Zac: I know! Let's call them P.O.W.'s! H.Mac: I thought you were dead. Zac: Oh yea... Riochet: Their must be an answer! Shorty: Wait a minute, what's this? (Shorty then picks up a copy of the Anti-SA newsletter.) Shorty: My god... Secman: What is it? Shorty: According to this, all the members of the B.G.U.B. have been destroyed except for Andre and AJ! YarHarHar: Isin't that a good thing? Shorty: They have been replaced by thousands of those A series robots that we encounterd! YarHarHar: Oh no! Soneec: We need a plan... H.Mac: Isin't that why we met in the first place? To be continued... What will the SP gang do now that their are thousands of A series robots? What will become of the captives Cynthia, MechaTails and Edge? Is Zac really dead? Zac: NO! All this and more in The A's part 5! The A's Part 5: (insert clever title here) AJ: YAHAHA! Andre: HoHoHo! AJ: And a couple of tra la la's! AJ&Andre: That's how we laugh the day away in the merriy ol' land of OZ! (Psst... your not in Oz.) AJ: That does not matter! We are now just a few steps away from complete Anti-SA domination! Andre: The A-series robots are ready. AJ: All 100,000 of them? Andre: Yes. AJ: The SP gang won't know what hit them! (Meanwhile, in the dungons of the anti-SA factory) Cynthia: We need to get out of here! MechaTails: Our friends must save us! Edge: They must be making a plan, I'm sure of it! (The SP headquarters) David TL: Anyone for a game of tidilywinks? Shorty: Not right now! We need to...what were we doing? H.Mac: Making a plan to save our kidnapped comrades! Shorty: Of course!... Who was captured again? H.Mac: Shorty, what's wrong with you? Shorty: I'm sorry, it's just that.... I'm so sleepy... (Shorty falls asleep) SonKnuck: That can't be good. SecMan: Perhaps it's what he was drinking. (SecMan then holds up vile that says "Sleeping Potion") Soneec: Who would put that in place of Shorty's standerd drink? A-1023: Me! Zac: A A-series robot! YarHarHar: Zac? I thought you were dead! Zac: Never underestimate the power! (Zac jumps onto A-1023, yelling many obsenities. He get's thrown off, and is knocked unconcious.) SecMan: We were able to stop the first five, we should be able to stop this one! A-1023: That's where you're wrong! (A-1023 then emits a powerful blast, which causes everyone to fall asleep.) (At the factory) AJ: HaHa! The SP gang are captured, and now they will not be able to withstand my greatest weapon yet! (Deep in the dongons of the factory, the three captives still have hope.) Edge: I sill have hope! MechaTails: You've been saying that for the past six hours! Cynthia: Quiet, you two! I hear something. (The door slowly creaks open. Cynthia can see Shorty.) Cynthia: It's Shorty and the Sp gang! They've come to rescue... (Shorty, along with the rest of the slumbering SP gang, are thrown in.) Cynthia: Shorty(waking up): Ah, that was a good nap! Now to find the...oh, hi there. Did we already save you? Cynthia: Not exactly. SonKnuck(also waking up): Boy, the SP decor sure has changed... Soneec: Wait a minute, we've been captured! (AJ arrives) AJ: Yes, now you must suffer the wrath of.... (A big machine appears) AJ: The ultra ADiser! YarHarHar: That's not good. AJ: Goodbye....HAHAHAHA! (AJ leaves) H.Mac: I know how to get out of this! SonKnuck, quick, get me my Crash Backpack! SonKnuck: What, I was supposed to get it? H.Mac: Didn't I tell you to get it? SonKnuck: No. Shorty: We're doomed! Is the Sp gang really doomed? Will they be able to free themselves from the wrath of AJ and Andre? Will they be ADized? What of the A-sereies robots? Will they play a larger role then they are? Will a large potato attack from some unknown orgin? Or will it be a pie? Or will it be...a giant purple cape? Stay tuned for... The A's part 6! The A's Part 6: The Final Confrontation... When we last left our heros, they were trapped in the secret dongouns of the anti-SA factories. The largest ADiser ever was pointed at them, and doom seemed only a few minutes away... Shorty: We're doomed! Soneec: Hey, mabye someone in SP isin't here! (They take atendence, and find everyone is there) Soneec: This is going to be tougher then I thought. Edge: We need to keep hope! H.Mac: It looks grim. We have no weapons, everyone is trapped here, the cell is surrounded by thousands of A-Series robots, and it seems that Anti-SA may sweep the globe. But, if we're lucky, a plot convienence will occur. (Suddenly, a blck hole opens up[and no, it's not the one that will suck even light to it, it just happens to be a hole that's black]) YarHarHar: What is it? SecMan: I've seen these before! It's a plothole! If we are going to retrive what's inside, someone has to reach in, and threatens to be a plothole themselves. SonKnuck: I'll do it. (SonKnuck reaches in, and does not turn into a plothole. He reveals...) SonKnuck: A really powerful forecfeild! It can protect us from the ADiser. Riochet: But for how long? SonKnuck: I don't know. (So, using the plothole forcefield, they create the forcefeild right when AJ activates the ADiser) AJ: No! They've gotten a forcefield! Those Damn plotholes... Andre: We can't penatrate it. AJ: There is only one thing to do...increase the power! Andre: Yes, sir! AJ: Also, put all 100,000 A-series robots infront of the cell, just incase they find some way to be free. Andre: Ay, ay! (So, Andre increases the power. However, it has no effect on the forcefield) Riochet: It's holding! Rlan: But wait, the light is getting brighter! SonKnuck: The power must be increasing! Mechatails: That's not good, is it? SonKnuck: No. (So, it continues on and on) AJ: Increase the power! Andre: But... AJ: Do it! (Suddenly, the tupe with Samantha starts to crack. She begins to emerge...) Samantha: pie... AJ: What was that? Andre: It's Samantha! Samantha: Wht hgo on eveyody! (Translation: What's going on, everybody!) Andre: I was afraid of this, the power is reaching levels so high that it is actually bring back the original members of the BGUB alive! AJ: It will be a small price to pay to destroy the SP gang. Increase the power! (Andre reluctently increases the power. It causes each tube to break, causing each original member to emerge) Samantha: Potot mn! (Translation: Potato Man!) Potato Man: Samntha! Hougan: I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... AJ: Increase the power! Andre: I can't! AJ: Just do it! (Increasing the power causes each A-Series robot to explode, and the power in each robot is redericted to the ADiser) AJ: More! Andre: We can't! We're draining the power from every major powerplant in the world! AJ: Then go to the smaller plants! They must be destroied! Andre: All right, but you have to pay for the electic bills. (Meanwhile, in the cell) SecMan: The ADiser has changed! Soneec: How so? SecMan: It's become a powerful laser beam, and it's set to blow up any minute! If this shild doesn't hold, we'll all be vaporised! Shorty: AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! H.Mac: AARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!! SonKnuck: YAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! Soneec: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! Rlan: AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHH!!! (and so on and so on...) (Meanwhile, at the controles) Andre: This place is going to blow any minute! AJ: I don't care! If I am destroyed, then at least be it with my greatest enimies! Andre: What's wrong with you? After you have increased my intelligence, I now see that you are the stupid one! AJ: What?! How dare you insult your creator! Andre: I'm getting out of here! AJ: Good ridince! Samantha: PIIIIIEEE!!! Hougan: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... AJ: Shut up! Hougan: ...ack. (Suddenly, a really big explosion occurs, and the BGUB is destroyed, leaving nothing but a smoldering crator) Shorty: Does that mean we're dead...again? (Not exactly. As the dust clears...) Shorty: We're alive! SecMan: Just in time. The forcefield just went kaploie. SonKnuck: Kaploie? SecMan: Kaploie. Zac: Well, that's the last time I'll take a vacation here! Soneec: But... you didn't. Zac: Oh...well....(dissapears in a cloud of smoke) Cynthia: How about we go back to SP? Shorty: Alrighty! I'm hungry. Riochet: Something tells me that AJ isin't gone, not even in that blast... (Somewhere underground) Samantha: O, pota man! (Translation: Oh, Potato Man!) Potato Man: o, smanta! (Translation: Oh, Samantha) (Samantha and Potato Man...well....) Hougan: We're aliiiiiiiiiiii...... Cornielius: Grr.. Amy: Prick you! Andre: (does his "happy dance") AJ: Ugh, Andre's intelligence has worn off, and I'm stuck with these idiotic henchmen. Samantha: hy! (Translation: Hey!) AJ: Grr..henchpeople. To top it off, I'm stuck underground 500 miles! I was correct that the control room would protect me from the blast, but I had no idea it would send me underground. But, I'll be back, or my name isin't... Hougan: iiiiiiiiiiiii... AJ: Shut up! Hougan: ive. Andre: Hi, shut up! AJ: You idiot! (And so, the BGUB stays underground, until there next attack against...the SPG!) The End