Every once in a great while, a story is written that helps define a generation, and shape it's world for years to come. This is not that story. This is a story of a man. And a woman. And another man. And another woman. And a bunch of other people as well. *Cue dramatic music* The Perfect Chaos Gang have just completed their latest move, to their second EZBoard. But all is not well in the world... ?????: Strange things are happening, Shorty. Forces that I can’t control, and I fear that may be uncontrollable. You are in danger. We all are. Shorty: And...? ?????: What else do you want me to say? Shorty: I thought that you were going to tell me how wonderful I am. An unknown force is lurking in the shadows, waiting until it can strike, and leave nothing behind... Lil: Everything's fuzzy... Simon Wai: I knew it! As TPCG enter An Unnamed Forest, they meet an old friend and foe. Simon: There is only one person we can go to now who can tell us what we need to know... Riochet: And who's that? Simon: Zac. Along the way they encounter strange places and lost tales of a forgotten world... Achoo. Sonique: That wasn't a very exciting tale, was it? Zac: Sorry, I've been fighting off a cold. TPCG must fight off their greatest foes, along with the forces from their muddeled past... PAFF: SonKnuck: (Pulling him self together) Shorty get prepared for a shock. The Perfect Chaos Gang delve into adventure, suspense, romance, and THIS: Shorty: *eating a banana* Um...why are you looking at me? This scence isn't even in the story! Oh. You're right. As TPCG is forced to seperate into three seperate groups, they are destined to arrive to the place that started it all: disc.server... Be prepared for David The Lurker's longest story ever: The Perfect Chaos Gang: The Plothole Cometh Featuring TPCG, along with other various groups, as well as (forced?) guest appearences from a bunch of other people including (but not limited to) The Moogle Cavern, Area 51, the GHZ, and a grassy field! Coming in November Hopefully *dramatic music sting* Ami: Shorty! Tonic: Moo. *end dramatic music*