Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic
Name: Metal Sonic
Species: Robot
Sex: n/a
Eyes: Red
Age: ???
Abilities: Matches Sonic's speed, flies, generates electricity fields, fires lasers, etc.
Weaknesses: ???
Likes: ???
Dislikes: ???
Debut: Sonic CD (Sega CD version)
Quote: n/a
Metal Sonic is very much like his organic counterpart: an enigma. That's as it should be, as Metal was designed to be an ideal doppelgänger; the one ace up Robotnik's sleeve that can match Sonic at his own game. Metal Sonic is quick to obey the bidding of his creator, but there seems to be a deeper force at work beneath the surface. There is little question as to Metal's will; he knows what's going on and would not deliberately surrender his fate to his programming. Metal's motives are unknown, but perhaps he views Sonic as a rival. "There can only be one Sonic," and it may be that Metal feels the need to prove his own worth by defeating the original.

-- Starring Roles --

  1. Sonic CD
  2. Triple Trouble / Sonic & Tails 2
  3. Knuckles' Chaotix
  4. Sonic Drift 2
  5. Sonic the Fighters
  6. Sonic R
  7. Sonic Adventure (cameo)