Metal Knuckles
Metal Knuckles
Name: Metal Knuckles
Species: Robot
Sex: n/a
Eyes: Green
Age: ???
Abilities: Strength, gliding
Weaknesses: ???
Likes: ???
Dislikes: ???
Debut: Sonic R
Quote: n/a
As Metal Sonic is to Sonic, Metal Knuckles is to you-know-who. Unlike the aforementioned match-up, however, it seems that anything Knuckles is capable of, Metal can go one better. Its phenomenal glide puts Knuckles' trademark ability to shame, and its dagger-like "knuckles" can rip an opponent to shreds.

Other than that, not too much is known about Metal Knuckles. Robotnik's only tried using it once, with no hints as to the Badnik's fate.

-- Starring Roles --

  1. Sonic R