Aha! I was right all along, the monkey's name is "Amigo"! I rule. I'm
the man. So the monkey is Amigo, the dancing bug/bear/whatever chick is Linda, the
Tillis-headed leopard chick is Rio, the old leopard dude on the banjo is Chumba, the one on the
drums is Wamba, the pink teddy bear is Bongo and the blue one is Bingo. (This is vital info
here at the GHZ.) Don't forget that, it could be a while before I have the completed Samba de
Amigo page up.
Oy...that was one lulu of a week. I just barely managed to finish the
ChuChu Rocket! page as promised, and made no progress at
all in giving the PSO page a much-needed update. That's the next thing on my list of priorities,
though. I'm not going to say I'll have that done for next week, but there's the possibility,
depending entirely on how my schedule pans out. Keep your fingers crossed, and send lots of
hentai to keep me fueled. Please?
I've got some interesting stuff, though. Veteran GHZer D-H Master has done his
homework, and come up with this extensive article on
The Sonic Adventure Voice Actors. Actually, this was
originally a message in the forum, but I thought it was way too interesting to leave stuck in
there, so now I'm posting it for all to peruse. Keep in mind, though, that none of the
information in the article can be confirmed beyond doubt, and some things are pretty iffy.
There's alot of cool info, and most of it's likely quite accurate, but take it all with a grain
of salt.
Oh yeah, the Sonic Fashion Project is still in full-swing. Get a glimpse of
the latest slick hedgehog-approved apparel to learn how you can be
Fashionably Sonic.
Man oh man, it's 3:45 A.M. and I'm about to hit the keyboard. There's a couple
more things I'd like to mention, but I guess I'll wrap it up here for this week. Oh yeah, the
official Sonic Adventure website has been updated with the latest World Ranking challenge
(Sonic in Twinkle Circuit). Actually, it was supposed to have been started last week, but had to
be postponed due to a programming error. Still nothing at all on the Chu˛ page...I guess they're
gonna do something with that eventually. Anyway, I'm off to mash the ol' mattress. See y'all
next week.
"Nope, but I felt as though my name deserved an '!'" -- Bo
(Everyone's a god in the Chu˛ lobby)
You can blame this page on Jared "Green
Gibbon!" Matte. If you're female, feel free to punish him as you see fit (just don't take
away his collection of h-doujin). But make no mistake, NEO GHZ is a part of
SonicNEXT. All Sonic related materials are copyright
Sega Enterprises. SonicNEXT is created by Zifei Wu. Space
provided by