The Sky Sanctuary Poll is updated every Saturday, which means that two new
questions will be posted and the results to the previous weeks poll will be
displayed. I guess that covers it, so dig in!
Japanese ones.
Oh come on you guys, I like ALL of them. Any Sonic has cool music with the possible exception of Doctor Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine which doesn't count anyway. [Hey, I liked the music in Mean Bean Machine!]
I don't have Sonic CD, so I can't awnser that [Well shame on you!]
The Japanese level tracks were better, but the American version had better music for everything else. Playing the Japanese version... if you made a good or a bad future, you knew it. The good future music was as excellently triumphant as the bad future music was dark and depressing... Metallic Madness being the ultimate example. Listen to the good and bad future tracks and you can almost feel the difference... Robotnik's even laughing at you in the bad future track, because he knows he's won.
But the American tracks had their own good points... the Stardust Speedway stands out as the best of Nilsen's efforts, slightly (slightly) surpassing the Japanese tracks. However... "Sonic Boom" made a much better opening and closing theme than did "You Can Do Anything" and "Cosmic Eternity". The ideal Sonic CD would have the Japanese level music and the opening and closing themes (and invincibility and hyper sneakers) from the American version... with perhaps the bonus stage music from the US version as well. Glazius [That's exactly my opinion on the subject.]I dunno. All I've heard are the Japanese tracks in .wav files. I didn't think the American versions were different! If they are, I'll have to go download them, too, so I can compare! ARGH! -- Jim Doe [Yes, vastly different!]
Japanese! I dunno, I changed my mind. I love the boss music! It is FFFFFRRRRRRREEEEEEAAAAAAAKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Work it Jam, ya man, come on now....I swear I hear that, just listen...and Stardust Speedway Zone and Metallic Madness Zone are awesome too. What is at the end of Stardust Speedway? That is WIIIIIEEEEERRRRRRD! It is COOOOOOOL! And the short tune that's used in the Collision Chaos Zone is cool too. Especially at the very beginning of the present music. -- D-H Sonic F
Maybe the Sonic CD American version or course! ) I played it before, really cool! Hey, Green Gibbon, I'll bet you were mad when you saw on the American version of Sonic CD that Amy Rose's name was Princess Sally! -- J.N. [Yeah, who wrote the American instruction manual anyway? I'd still like to get a few knuckles through his/her teeth...]
Ooooooh! I know! Da one I got for my PC!!!! -- Moon [I'm not sure, since I don't own the PC version, but I think it has the American tracks.]
The American ones
Japanese I guess.
The one that i can play on my PC. oh, yeah, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY YA CUTE WITTLE GREEN FOXIE!!! [Oh, fine...for the first time in my life I get a Valentine and it's anonymous...with my luck, it's probably that Chef freak...]
Oh, gee! I never heard any! So I don't know! -- ~JM Stalker [Well shame on you!]
Definately the NA music. Mostly cause it goes with the animation. Especially the ending animation. The Japanese tracks were okay, repeat okay. But the NA version so totally out classed the Japanese.
I like the american I dont know I think its because I can understand it a little better I know the basics of japinese but I hate writeing it and speaking it because Im not that good -- Dark Gibbon [Actually, the Japanese songs are in English as well...they were written by American songwriter Casey Rankin. However, they were sung by some Japanese pop singer, who apparently couldn't speak English...]
I like the japinese I dont understand it but the tunes hot -- Clarence 33 Ps please please please please give me more Drano cookies I dont ask for much [No, I'm through giving out free Drano cookies. Although I do smell opportunity for profit around here...]
I haven't heard the American ones, I don't even have Sonic CD, but I think the ones on Sonic Jam are the Japanese ones, and I think they're great! [Only a couple of 'em, but yeah, the ones in Sonic Jam were the original Japanese tracks, "You Can do Anything" and "Cosmic Eternity".]
The Ameerican version, that being the only kind I've heard.
I love "Sonic Boom" for Sonic CD on the PC. Tell me who did that and I'll know which one I like. ["Sonic Boom" was from the American one by Spencer Nilsen.]
Unfortunately I never got the chance to play Sonic CD (sold my Sega CD to early because I was drowing in FMV crap) but anybody with the name Spencer Nilsen has to be a major geek so I'll say the Japanese version. [Well shame on you! You missed Sonic CD (which many say is the best of the series) and both original Lunar games!]
okay, I'll really vote in a minute... Chef from South Park is GAY, GG!. So, uh, DON'T DRESS IN DRAG WHILE HE'S AROUND!!! This is what you get for not watching South Park. Also, As long as the Kitana doesn't start up with a million bazillion annoying beeps and schmitt like Micro$h!t's does, then I'ma ll fine 'n' dandy. If it does... BURN!!!! HAHAHA!!...danged sugar, mesing up me head... frogsmoker... [South Park? There IS no "South Park"! There's a South Island, and a Sunset Park and a Balloon Park, but there is no South Park! I'm positive!]
They both just make that high pitched squeel and blow my speakers out. [Here's a hint...QUIT PLAYIN' THE FIRST TRACKS ON YOUR CD PLAYER! Skip to track 2, or sometimes track 3.]
Stalker doesn't know what he's talking about . . . at least about one part. Secret of Mana was NEVER to be Final Fantasy Adventure ANY number. The reason? Final Fantasy Adventure and it's sequels never did and never were to go beyond the Game Boy. Secret of Mana was Secret of Mana, neh? -- Jim Doe
TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLESTEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLESTEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLESHeroes in a halfshell, TURTLE POWER! Their the worlds most fearsome fighting team (TMNT) Their heroes in a halfshell and they're green (TMNT) When the evil Shredder attacks These turle boys don't cut 'em no slack Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Splinter taught them to be Ninja teens (TMNT) Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines (TMNT) Raphael is cool but rude (Gimme a break) Michealangelo is a party dude (PARTY!!!!!) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes In A Halfshell TURTLE POWER!I don't wanna grow up I'm a toys R' us kid there's a million toys at Toys r us that I can play with form bikes to trains to video games it's the biggest toy store there is I don't wanna grow up cuz if I did I couldn't be a toys r us kid MORE BIKES MORE TOYS MORE GAMES OH BOY! I WANNA BE A TOYS R US KID We're tiny we're toony we're all a little loony and in this cartoony we're invading your TV - Doopdedoopdedoop Inspector Gad-get Doopdedoopdedoopdoopdoo Doopdoo Doopdedoopdedoop Inspector Gadget DOOOOOODOOOOOODOOOOOODOOOOOOODODODODO Doopdoopdoopdoopdoopdoopdoopdoopdoopdoop Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice HE MAN! SHE RA ! Thunder! Thunder! Thunder Cats HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! GO GO POWER RANGERS! LIFE IS LIKE A HURRICANE, HERE IN DUCKBURG CHIPCHIPCHIPCHIPAndDAAAAAAAAAAALE RESCUE RANGERS!!!OWWEEEYAAAAAAH TALESPIN!!!OWEEEEEYOOOOHHHH DADADADADADA Come along with the snorks, Swim along with the snorks so much to see waiting for you and me come along with the swim along with the play along with the snorks, LAlalalalala PAWPAW BEARS, Were Pound Puppies, Thier dinky, thier pinky and the brain brain brain brain NARFPOITZORTTROZEGADNAFNARFNARFNARFNARF!!!!!!!! RPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPGRPG - I like the american version. [.......]
The music that I play where I be sitting in the co-nuh [More censored dialogue...] ------ was the question? [Sheesh, I hope you don't have any siblings...]
Sailor Evil: It's not fair Daddy! The Mean Bird Thing blasted me! It burnt up my hair!!! Wahhhh!!!! Enerjak: I do not see what you are so concerned about, my child. Your hair grew back did it not? [I have a cousin in the wig & hairpiece business...]
The Japanese tracks to the Gibboneaters RPG...oh, they rule! [*GG! roasting a hot dog over an open fire* Sorry, but I hear the last remaining sound files from that game just went up in smoke...]
Sailor Evil: You would come and work with me?! *eyes turn into little hearts* Really GG!? [Ha, ha! I read the fanfic, and I know you're just putting on an act 'cause Vampire Sephiroth wants me on the bad side, but y'know...I don't care, 'cause I'm enjoying this!]
Metal Sonic: What are you doing with those arrows, MK? Metal Knuckles: I stole them from some guy named cupid. Let us shoot them at people. GG! Doll: I am not Tails Doll anymore! I am the Green Gibbon Doll and I am adorable! [Hey, great! Shoot one at me, then shoot one at any one of the female visitors...]
Spice Da Green Echidna: Gack! How did you get back here?! Moon: I have talents you obiviously were not told about. Spice Da Green Echidna: It doesn't matter! I'll still get rid of you! Moon: Yeah? I did a little research and you've committed at least four major realm violations. Just you wait till my enforcer friend Lirsage gets here. You are so busted, girl. Spice Da Green Echidna: Uh oh! Um, look over there! It's Tuxedo Mask! Moon *looks*: No it's not, that Tuxedo Green. Spice Da Green Echidna: Nahahahaha!!! Sucker! *runs off* [*GG! walks up carrying a tackle box in one hand and a string of fish in the other* Oh, good, you found your way out. That's great, 'cause the fish were really biting in the Azure Lake! They were eating anything you'd throw at 'em! But if you think this little string here is impressive, you should've SEEN the one that got away! No, really!]
I get knocked down, but I get up again, you ain't never gonna keep me down . . . I get knocked down, but I get up again, you ain't never gonna keep me down . . . He drinks a whiskey drink, he drinks a vodka drink, he drinks a larger drink, he drinks a cider drink . . . I get knocked down, but I get up again, you ain't never gonna keep me down . . . We'll keep singin', when we're winnin', we'll keep singing . . . -- Chumbawumba [Anyone care to explain this to one to naive little me?]
OK, now THAT was NOT FUNNY DG! I may be conservative, but you have NO RIGHT to KILL ME for it! I am VOICING MY RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH AND FREE PRESS!!!!! SO THERE!!!!! -- ~JM Stalker, Defense Lawyer, Retaliating.
Noooooooooooo! My fir is Dark not Green and I cant stand whiped cream its too sweet I like berry water ahhhhhhh berry water takes all the pain away... and whoevers makeing that joke about gibbon eaters its realy not funny Ill blow you away*As Dark Gibbon charges up the Sax the air fills with dark clouds and lightning lites up the air he is truly pissed*
I'm too busy to vote right now...I'm trying to figure out who stole my Froot Loops... [FROOT LOOPS?! Aw man, I thought they were Trix! I hate Froot Loops! Here! *GG! hands the Froot Loops back*]
Youre too cute to be a guy. If the sweet lovin is good for Cathy Lee I know its good for you. [Okay, who in the heck is Cathy Lee?]
Hey, Green Gibbon! I question just came across my mind. What would happen if the Knothole FF's meet Tails Doll, or Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts if they would've been in the SAT am cartoon? Who would win? :) [Tails Doll, of course! He could scare the freaks outta anybody, even some level-headed bore like Sally!]
Um Del what other Bill were you talking about PS the is spelled the not hte -- Dark Gibbon\Democrat Boy [Oh, so THAT'S how it's spelled!]
Its me agin this time I have Spunky chained up over here like I was saying you are very cute as a mater of fact Spunkys looking at you right now and...Spunky what are you doing to my leg....SPUNKY! SPUNKY! -- Rocco [Have you ever considered obedience school?]
You know. Oh, I can't say it - I'll start singing it and when I start I won't be able to stop. It goes - NO! I WON'T I CAN'T!!! AUGGH! "In a dream I can see / You are not far away Any time any place / I can see your face You are that special one..." Now I'll never get rid of it. Was that NiGHTS or Claris singing the chorus anyway? [I don't think it was NiGHTS...]
background-UMK3 Kahn's Tower
I can't give you the absolute best, but I'll give you my top 10, in no particular order...
The theme from Frogger (atari 2600 version). I'm not kidding, that thing was catchy! [Rats, all I had was the Intellivision version...]
*sigh* I wish I could say. You may not believe this, but a lot of the Secret of Mana music came close to bringing me to tears, and that ain't easy! -- Jim Doe [What's so hard to believe about that? I know certain tunes from Lunar and Final Fantasy that choke me up everytime I hear 'em!]
Why don't you ask what is the best star in the sky while you're at it. Well...I'm currently gorging on Sofia's, Duke or Ellis's, and Cupidio's theme from Toshinden Remix. So the game play isn't great the story is very cool! [Great...I'll watch the anime, and you can keep the game! And while we're at it, what is the best star in the sky?]
The boss music from Mega Man 2, 3, and 4
The regular music of Mega Man 2
Castlevania 3 - Stages 2,3, and 4
Castlevania 1 - Stages 1,2,3
All Sonic Boss music
Animaniacs (Game Boy Version) - Boss Music
The Legend Of Zelda 1, 2, and 3 overall
Super Mario Land 2 - Overworld Area
Mario 64 - Hazy Maze Cave
Super Mario RPG - Boss Music & Culex Battle
Aladdin (Sega Version) - The Carpet Ride In The Volcano
and Final Fantasy 3 (i think) and 7. That's it. :o)
Dreams, Dreams! That's awesome! Go SEGA! Whoa! selyaB oB
Maybe "Can You Feel the Sunshine" from Sonic R. -- J.N.
Of the very limited selection I've heard? I kinda like Sonic Boom. It's got catchy lyrics and a good beat. -- Moon
Everything from Knuckles Chaotix. Too bad no one has midis of the music from that one. The music on that game was awesome. Knuckles Chaotix Forever! [I know, I was kind of wondering about that. I particularly like the BGM in the Marina Madness's relaxing and catchy, and captures the feel of the Zone perfectly.]
Radical City is the best!
Cosmic Eternity! The song is awesome!
Dreams Dreams, no contest. Sonic Boom (the ending theme) is next. Need you even ask?
I think I like the tidal tempest song in Cd it was jusst the beat I suppose -- Clarence33
Oh, that's hard! Ummm,........ either Sonic: You Can Do Anything or Number One on Sonic R, but then Cosmic Eternity's good, and so's SuperSonic Racer, and Diamond in the Sky and.......
they are all great! it's hard to pick a fav>:) -Reala aka JEF
The Zelda theme song! It was so simple, yet so catchy, and with every updated version is sounds better and better, I can't wait for Zelda 64 to hear it again!. [Good choice!]
It's a tie between Sarah's VF2 music, Candy's FV music, Raxel's FV music, and the final stage music in the original Virtua Cop. [No arguments that Raxel has the coolest theme song from FV, but Shun has the coolest VF track. (Atleast in VF2...I've yet to come across the opportunity to play VF3, darnit...)]
Going back I realy like the opening song to Mega Man 3 or protomans song that game had the best muisic -- Dark Gibbon Ps you know now that I think of it sneaking up on honey was worth it lets reflect Ahhhhhh gotta go something came up [That was a double entendre, wasn't it?]
I can't, I just can't. If I mention it I'll start singing it again and I won't sleep tonight. You know, it's THAT one. The one in the game. It's - Aaargh! "In the NiGHTS, dream delights, I want to see you smile again In the NiGHTS, dream delights, You are the one I've waited for..." Oh, why did you have to mention videogame songs? [I dunno...maybe 'cause it's the only music I ever listen to! After much consideration, I'd have to agree with EG that the Zelda theme song is the best piece of videogame music ever's catchy and really sets the adventurous atmosphere of the game. The BGM from the Stardust Speedway Zone Good Future from the Japanese Sonic Mega CD probably comes in second, while the Eternal Blue theme comes in third. Aeris' Theme from FFVII deserves special mention, but mostly because of the memories it induces.]
Why are you wearing a tux, GG!? Hot Valentine's date? [I wish. Metal Sonic, Metal Knuckles, and Tails Doll made me put the darn thing on. I like my Sailor Scout outfit better...]
From Gibboneaters' RPG, "Running to Cook the Gibbon" [*GG! throws some more lighter fluid onto the fire* Oh, it's a shame you'll never get to hear it again...]
Metal Sonic: I hit the Gibbon with one of the arrows. Metal Knuckles: I could not see who I hit with the other. Green Gibbon Doll: what happens now? Metal Sonic: What?! Tails Doll is making sense again! Metal Knuckles: Malfunction! This does not compute! Green Gibbon Doll: I AM THE GG! DOLL!!! NOT TAILS DOLL!!! [Who'd it hit?! Who'd it hit?! With my luck, it probably landed smack on that Chef freak...]
"Gibbon Soup" -- Gibboneaters RPG [*GG! continues to pour lighter fluid on the fire while humming contentedly*]
They killed Kenny! Those bastards! [Let's just hope they're goin' after you next...]
I am Dark Gibbon I carry a sax on my back like a sword I can charge it up and do a very very damageing attack(in other words I can harm people)I used to dress up like a ninja and fight for democrats but that made me look stupid so now Im here unmasked -- Dark Gibbon
Ive had enoph Chef punches GG and drages him to the bedroom [I think I'm going to be ill... *GG! grabs Eternal Gamer and Moon* They're coming with us...we can all play Monopoly or four player in Diddy Kong Racing...]
Who's your favorite character to use on Sonic R? I like using Amy Rose. :) -- J.N. [Definitely Super Sonic. He takes heck to get, but he's worth it. Metal Sonic comes in second, but he's so hard to control it's not even funny.]
Ther is only one song that I will ever listen to. It was the music on the start of the jungle stage in Revolution X. Aerosmith rules. I will sick Phil the Prince of Insufficient Light on you if you don't like them. [Sick Phil the Prince of Insufficient Light on me and I will sick that dinosaur wedgie guy on you...]
Hi evrybody I sat in on one of GGs dates with Candy (you get no privacy from a Gibbon who knowes how to become invisable) anyway they were loading up all these buckets of limmon Jello when I foun out what they were for I teleported out quick my inocent eyes cant see that kind of thing -- Dark Gibbon PS GG you are a freak I dont know about you [Hey, the lemon jello was for dessert! I swear it! I was really hungry that night, and besides...Honey doesn't make a habit of swimming in the stuff like I do.]
Chef Kicks GG out the next morning singing theirs no
substitute for you GG feels violated [Well, you should've known better
than to let me be the bank! I always cheat! That's also how I won every
single race in DKR! *GG! gets up and dusts himself off* Sore losers...]