THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!! HOW THE H'LL AM I SUPPOSED TO ANSWER THAT?! *hits her head against the desk* okay, I'm better now.... I say it's a tie, really. Of course everyone knows that Sonic is the coolest hero around, but can he fly? And we all know that NiGHTS [admin note: Looks like you banged your head a little hard back there, 'cause you apparently blacked out right in the middle of your response...]
Wow, I was wondering when somebody was gonna ask that. I think of them as video game equals. Each ruling their own domain. Sonic has the action adventure area. Which shows our strong warrior side. And NiGHTS has the entire dreamworld. Which shows our intellegent and creative side. [admin note: What intelligent side?]
Nights - Has goofy floppy-hatted guy with giant scary eyes. Sonic - Has the power of TAILS. I think we all know who wins here. Nights - no more! [admin note: See if you ever have good dreams again...]
Sonic, how could I say something else?
Well, I prefer NiGHTS as far as story line goes ( being a dear friend of mine what do you expect?). Both games are equal in playability, though NiGHTS music is so much better than Sonic's it hurts. --Alethea [admin note: Well, it's a matter of taste, I suppose, but I wouldn't say Sonic music is that bad! I prefer it to the NiGHTS music myself, but that's only me...]
Sonic, DUH!!!
What the hell are you talking about?! SONIC!! SONIC!! NIGHTS IS A DEMOCRAT! (I bet you saw that one coming!) --Blue Hog! [admin note: NOOOOOO! NiGHTS is not a Democrat! Sonic is not a Democrat! Mario is not a Democrat! Link is not a Democrat! Megaman is not a Democrat! THERE ARE NO DEMOCRAT VIDEOGAME CHARACTERS!!! THEY'RE ALL REPUBLICANS, OOOKKKAAAAYYY???!!!! Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye...]
Uh, this is a trick question, right? Okay, let's see . . . as GG! knows (and as all of the rest of you shall know here in a second), I am totally addicted to old video games. I just can't get enough of 'em for some reason. So, in any argument like this, I will stick up for the older game. Therefore: SONIC ALL THE WAY, BABY! --Jim Doe [admin note: It's true. The other day I invited him over for a bowl of porridge. He could've had it hot or cold, but he chose it in the pot nine days old...]
SONIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's the orginal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*sob* I can't decide.... *sob* you're so unfair *sob*
I,d say TIE
Sonic [admin note: Quiet around here this week, ain't it?...]
They're both good guys, they're both fighting to save their world, they've both got an attitude, and they're both cute. So I've got to say that it's a tie.
Hmmm...I can't decide, they're tied for my favorite game(s) well, I guess right now I'd say NiGHTS, but when they come out with a real 32-bit Sonic game to compare it to, then well see...
Sonic is better. But I'm better than him. --Ecco The Dolphin [admin note: So when are you going to get a flippin' game on Saturn?]
What? It's nighttime? *Looks out the window* It appears so. Dang......I'll never trust a Democrat again...... ~JM Stalker [admin note: I told you not to watch the 11:00 news...]
Sonikku!! OFCOURSE!!! [admin note: I wonder how NiGHTS' name is pronounced in Japanese. Neehtsu?...]
Hmm... well I have to say the Sonic series contains much more orginality (as Nights is simply the same thing level after level with no change in gameplay what so ever) but NiGHTS is probably more addictive and more mesmerizing plus I think Nights is MUCH cooler than the hedgehog as he actually has a REAL personality (unlike the Hedgehogs so called "attitude") of a friendly fairly book charactor and just has this "warm, knowing" feeling about him. Having said that I still think ultimately Sonic is the better game because Gameplay is where it counts the most but Nights is a cooler Charactors.
Who CARES? -Silver Sonic [admin note: Ooh, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!]
Darn.... [admin note: Uh...]
Oooh, look at the cute kitten Sam! Can I make a tennis racket out of him? [admin note: You've already turned six dogs into badminton rackets this week, if you keep this up the SPCA will be on our tails like CNN on Newt Gingrich!]
Sonikku! Tailsu! Dr. Eggumahn! Knuckrusa! Ergh . . . I've been watching the Anime too much . . . . [admin note: This is a bad thing?]
Sonic, 'cause NiGHTS is a Republican.... [admin note: Well, now I'm confused. Is he a Republican or a Democrat? For that matter, is he a male or a female? The world may never know...]
Neither! Scud is the best! Scud Scud Scud! C'mon everybody! Scud Scud Scud! *slaps herself* Oops, sorry. This is what happens when you hang out too long with a Mr. Monkey. [admin note: Mr. Monkey? Is someone tryin' to steal my "maniacal primate" persona?!]
You know, my mother is very smart. When I was a young girl, she told me not to eat cornbeef. But she also told me not to hang around with monkeys or to sit to close to the tv. Oh well, 1 out of three ain't bad.... right? Right? [admin note: What's wrong with us monkeys? I don't think your mother is as smart as you think...]
I'm a litle monkey short and stout.... *slaps herself* DARNIT! DAMN MONKEY! STOP IT OR I'M GOING TO TELL EVERYBODY YOU'RE A DEMOCRAT!!!! [admin note: Democrat?! Where?! Not on this site!]
I just figured something out. All breeds of monkeys are Democrats, except for gibbons of course. Gibbons are cute. Especially green ones. [admin note: Not all breeds of monkeys...only Baboons. They are evil. But you're right, Gibbons are the cutest... especially me, of course...]
Nee! [admin note: Help, mommy, I scared...]
TIM:There he is! ARTHUR: Where? TIM: There! ARTHUR: What, behind the rabbit? TIM: It is the rabbit! ARTHUR: You silly sod! You got us all worked up! TIM: Well, that's no ordinary rabbit. That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered roden [admin note: People sure do seem to be checking out halfway through posts alot around here...]
Darn, it didn't work! [admin note: Oh...]
TIM: It'll do you a trick, mate! ???: Oh, yeah? ROBIN: You monkey's scot's get! TIM: I'm warning you! ROBIN: What's he do, nibble your bum? [admin note: ..........]
Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam.... [admin note: Not enough! More Spam, I say!]
*hits her head against the desk multiple times* Stop it monkey! STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP!!!!!!!!!! [admin note: *GG! rubs his nose and sniffs (like Picky from Fighting Vipers and everything, ya know?)...*]
I'm off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz! Because becasue becasue because.... [admin note: *GG! clacks his heels together three times and says: "There's no place like directly under Honey! There's no place like directly under Honey! There's no place like directly under Honey!"* Darn...didn't work...]
Yes, Which is better. [admin note: I'd groan, but it's too easy.]
I Sleep during the Nights, but I never manage to go sub-Sonic in my snoring [admin note: That's funny, I do...]
*sob*Mr. Monkey....*sob* poor, poor Mr. Monkey....*sob* BLUE HOG KILLED MR. MONKEY!!!! GET 'IM GIB! YOU'RE IMMORTAL, I KNOW YA CAN! *sob* poor Mr. Monkey.... [admin note: Are you crazy? There ain't enough room for two insane apes around here!]
What, a blueberry muffin vs. a flying raisin? No contest! I'M better than both of 'em! Wanna see me do my Super Flying Circling Spin Attack? *BZZZZ* Ow! I sprained my fingernail!
Sonic beats Espio any day. Mighty beats Espio. If you read the Chaotix manual you'd know that you foolish ape-like thing. Are you some democrat or something? [admin note: Yeah, Sonic's better than Espio, but not Mighty! Espio rules! Infact, the only ones who are cooler than Espio are Sonic, Metal Sonic, and Nack!]
Video Games: Sonic / Movies: MIB!!!! / Song: Meredith Brooks, What Would Happen If We Kissed? / Person: Green Gibbon! / School Subject: Lunch / Place of entertainment outside of the home: SPOOKY WORLD!!!! / Be back in two weeks for more lists! Yeah yeah! [admin note: Good favorite person...]
Nights! I can just tell by all those furry little animals Sonic wants to save he must be an environmental lovin' tree huggin' democrat... [admin note: Okay, last time...NO! SONIC IS NOT A FREAKIN' DEMOCRAT OF ANY KIND!!! He just runs around saving animals to look good, okay?! Sheesh...]
I poopy in my pants.... again [admin note: *GG! checks to make sure the doors are locked & dead-bolted*]
Hmm.... Either the six-button controler for the Genesis, or the 3-D controller for the Saturn.
The 3-D controller that came with NiGHTS! That is the supreme controller!
N64 Controllers! They give me the power to sneak up on someone ever so lightly using my analog stick, then draw my sniper rifle, use the upper "R" button to zoom in a guard who's lounging about in his tower, barely surveying the area, manuver the analog stick yet again to put my sights right on his neck, and then fire with my Z button under the controller, ending it all with the joy of seeing the bullet shoot from my silenced muzzle into the neck of the guard, then hearing him gag as he clutches at the wound and topples to the ground, dead. GOLDENEYE RULES!!! Who says video games make us more violent? [admin note: Videogame? You mean they made that into a videogame? Cool! But, how'd they find out about my favorite hobby? Are they gonna make a game about trying to smell underwater, my second favorite hobby?]
The dreaded analog Saturn controller! As big as it its you wouldn't think it would be comfortable, but it is.
um, the only controllers i have are Sega --The Silver Sonic [admin note: Okay, so which one of those is your favorite?]
Ugh, definitely none of the newer models. N64? Playstation? I mean, what were they thinking making these huge, lumbering, and (especially in the Playstation's case) non-streamlined controllers? Where they nuts? So, my vote is for something a little older: the GamePro manufactured six-button controller for Sega Genesis. I use it frequently and have found that it contours precicely into my hands and all of the buttons are easily within reach. Nothin special or fancy . . . just the way I like it. --Jim Doe
Sega Game Gear! Easy 2 button control and a great system. Bo GAMEGEAR! [admin note: Yeesh...I have nightmares about the 8-bit days when we were limited to two buttons...suit yourself, but the only reason I still play Game Gear is 'cause I jammed an extra four buttons into it from an old Genesis controller...]
Be careful what you say about democrats, you might lose a few readers --Somone who is not a democrat, but thinks that GG! should stop making dumb jokes. [admin note: Oh, so you were the one who voted for Perot...and incase you didn't notice, genious, the readers were the ones who started the Democrat jokes...]
I think that Sega obviously has the best looking ones, then Nintendo has a funky looking one with too many buttons but it comes in other colors. cool. And then Sony, well,.... what can I say? It looks like a style from the 80's. It looks like a Night Rider steering wheel with a firing button or something. Ahhh, forget it, my cornbeef is waiting for me. Just don't let the peaches out.
Saturn's NiGHTS controller, or anything except the N64's.
I like the original Sega Genesis controllers, though it's hard to play with flippers. PC controllers are an evil scheme thought up by the Vortex before I got rid of the them, they meant to destroy Sega. [admin note: Oh, so THAT'S the conspiracy behind that...I new something was fishy about the whole idea...]
PC Controllers absolutely positively STINK! I still opt for my SNES controller......MAN I'm old.....anyway...... --~JM Stalker
All around goes hands down to the Playstation, it's comfortable, the shoulder buttons are convinent and well placed and it's light and not bulky like the Saturn and N64 controllers. But for real smooth analog controller (comparing the analog controllers for all three systems) N64 wins hands down. But Saturn has the best button layout and D-pad for fighters (but the American Saturn controller sucks! the Japanese one is the one I"m talking about) but little else.
Two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a seasame seed bun! (It's not Mexican, are you happy now?) [admin note: Did you say McDonald's? Hey everyone! This guy's goin' to McDonald's! Anyone want anything? *If you've been watching TV between levels like good little gamers, then you'll catch the McDonald's commercial reference in there...*]
Are you talking dirty? [admin note: No, just thinking dirty. *GG! shuts his eyes and begins drooling, then inaudibly mutters something about "Honey" and "Yoko"...*]
Bob Dole! --Blue Hog! [admin note: Good choice, but wrong controller...]
I like the one with the fig newton on top. I like to sit there and make it go *boioioioioioing* while I'm playing Final Fantasy II. [admin note: Really? Hmm...mine goes more like "Bwanbwanbwanbwan"...]
Lets see.. well.. I say it would be the DemocracyPad 2000. The RepublicPad never responds because it has such a big ego. [admin note: Ooh! It looks like someone's getting a little annoyed, huh? Heh, heh, heh! I think I'll just sit back and let my readers reply to this one...]
I like the one made out of cheese. I mean, think about it! It's orange, squishy, and when it starts to smell bad, you can feed it to your dog! [admin note: When it starts to smell bad you feed it to the dog?! Man, you are missing the best part!]
I'm not sure which is the best, but I know that the worst one is the one Democrats use. [admin note: You mean the DemocracyPad 2000? It was made by the same company who makes the SocialistPad -3000 and CommunistPad 666...]
The one that Democrats DON'T like. [admin note: Well, I guess that would be the RepublicPad then, huh?]
Mustard! [admin note: Spicy mustard!]
Eggrolls! [admin note: Hey! You forgot the sweet & sour sauce! What's wrong with you?]
Spaghetti! [admin note: Without the parmesan cheese? Are you the sicko Independent wuss who's making futile attempts to crash the party?]
Chili dog with the works! [admin note: NOW you're getting the right idea!]
There, are you happy now? No Mexican food whatsoever, and I got rid o' pizza too. (actually, I'm getting kind of sick of it myself. The caf sells it every day for lunch! But it's the only thing they don't make themselves, so....) [admin note: Yup, I'm happy now...we've killed the Mexican food, now let's all kill the Independent! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!]
MIB MIB! YOU NEED TO START A SECTION FOR THE MIB! AND THE WIB! AND THE FIB! AND THE MIW! AND THE WIW! AND THE FIW! AND THE FBI! But not the IRS. DON'T YOU EVER, EVER MAKE A SECTION FOR THE IRS, UNDERSTAND?! [admin note: The IRS? You don't mean the Idiotic Results of Surveys, do you? Oh, you mean the Internal Revenue Service! 'Cause if you meant the Idiotic Results of Surveys, then I'd have to close down this poll...]
I need to switch to decafe.... damn monkey makes me drink caffiene.... *starts to shake* not again!!!!
I prefer the controller of my own design, the Dweezle 9000. Yes, I built it myself, and it's compatable with ANY system or PC! The only problem is that I can use it within twenty miles of the surface of the Earth, or I start to do the Bat-tusi and spit green Jolly Ranchers at people. . . . . nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah BatMan! *ptui!* [admin note: Say, that's my kind of controller! Where can I get one at?!]
Urnote! I told you I'd be back! BUMBOCLOT! Put meon the total jerks page. [admin note: Bimbofart? Izzat you? Hey, long time no see! So you're the infamous "Lone Democrat"! No, not even you're that sicko...]
The Blue Gorilla has come! My friend the Purple Baboon says you suck! Ha! Ha! Ha! You democrat! Ha! Ha! Ha! Purple Baboon sends his worst wishes. [admin note: You fool! Don't you know that the Purple Baboon is a deceiver? The Purple Baboon is the Democrat, not me!]
My N64 puts on the best performance. I've trained it to jump through a hoop and eat SPAM on command [admin note: Well, guess what I've taught my N64 to do...make certain polygons disappear! So what does this do? Well... it gives me a naked Mario... But if I can teach my Saturn to do the same thing, I'll be playing Fighters Megamix alot more...]
Controllers? Who are the controllers? It must be those lousy Democrats shovel out money to everyone trying to make them dependant on them to gain power and likabilty.... [admin note: A.K.A. "Socialists", right? Nope, I'm talkin' about the magical controllers that let us move Sonic and Mario around the screen!]
Sega rules Nintendo stinks, this is off topic but it's true
[admin note: No comment...]