Tale 1: The Arrival of Green Gibbon! by Blue Gibbon! Date: 5/23/82 Time: 9:37 A.M. Location: An Island of Hawaii A young girl gazes up at the sky. She sees a space pod labled "Gibbon!". Meanwhile, the Sacred Green Gibbon! prepares to land his pod. He lands on a small Island, and the young Gibbon! feels tramendous power. Although the Gibbon! is a mere one-year old, he is among one of the most, er, "superior" and "powerfull" races of all time. Little does the young Gibbon! know that the evil Zero-chan is the power of which he is feeling... and Zero-chan is just one of the chalanges that lies ahead! We go back to the young girl. Apparently, she has quite a royal bloodline, as she does not even know about the obbstacle is her way. The girl's parents died recently, and the girl had lived in a Foster Home for about a month. Oh, and one more thing... She went by the name of "Moon"... A photographer notices the pod (while the Gibbon! is approaching the powers of the evil Zero-chan) and the pod attracts much media and attention. Some scientists gather up the pod, and preserve it. The photographer walks away. A card slips out of his coat. The card says "Braid"... A young boy who appears to be about five, is lost in a forest. He has raised himself in the woods, an orphan. Little does he know what chalanges lay ahed of him as well... as a gamer. Another young boy is in those same woods, and is VERY insane. He is hunting a chicken... A deer floats lifelessly in the water, as he had escaped a ficious hunter. End of Part One...