The object is to chase down a witch and her three familiars through five levels of high-flying hijinks. The band of baddies includes a scooter-riding wolf, a rocket-riding bear (at least I think that's what he is), a female rabbit in a flying carrot (yes, you read that right), and the queen of the operation, a railcart-riding witch. You control Tails flying left to right through auto-scrolling levels, dodging obstacles, collecting items, and busting Badniks (by means of belting 'em with a Ring). Think horizontal shooter meets Sonic and you're on the right track. Get hit by an enemy or projectile, and you'll fall...hit the ground, and it's lights-out. If you're quick, though, you can recover by hitting the action button before kissing the dirt. The other way to lose lives is by getting smashed between the side of the screen and a wall, or by running out of energy on the flight meter. The flight meter can be replenished by collecting candy (mint candy, I presume). Items for the collecting include:
It's short, but it's actually kind of fun. The graphics are certainly above average for Game Gear, and the levels are plenty deep with lots of branching paths and some clever design. It isn't easy, though, and without the handy emulation feature that lets you save anytime, it would be quite frustrating to try and make it through to the end. Nonetheless, it wasn't a bad start for our man Miles, and he certainly went up a notch with his later GG solo run, Tails Adventure. To quote the little guy himself: "That wasn't too bad!"
Screenshots taken by Jared "Green Gibbon!" Matte. Information compiled
and arranged by Jared "Green Gibbon!"
Matte. |