Sonic Adventure VMS: Menus in English

Sega of Japan's recently posted another Sonic Adventure file to download into the VMS. (I didn't mention this before, but the first was a file posted just a few days after SA's release. It added Christmas decorations to a tree in Station Square.) After downloading this one, the next time you pop Sonic Adventure in, Sonic will give brief explanations of each menu item at the title screen -- in English. English?! Could this be Sonic's English voice, or did I just read that wrong? If anyone can clear this up, I'm not the only one who would appreciate it.

In order to download the sound data, you must first upload your high score to the internet. In the survey, you'll be asked if you want to download the sound file. So if you're interested, you'll need the following things: a Dreamcast, Sonic Adventure, internet connection, and a decent comprehension of the Japanese language. I'm sure atleast a few of those items discount every one of us here...

Source: The Magic Box
