Sonic in Apocalypse
Sega's notorious "Apocalypse" commercial has hit the airwaves. In it, a
female spy lays the snatch on a heavily-guarded Dreamcast unit. She escapes into a fictitious
cityscape, in which a sequence of events unfolds whereby her victim -- the Dreamcast -- ends up
steering her into a carefully-laid trap. (It's part of the whole "It's Thinking" campaign.) It
completely misses getting the point across, but it's undeniably entertaining to watch
nonetheless. At the very end of the commercial, a stadium full of Dreamcast characters are
celebrating their victory, with Sonic shouting a triumphant: "We got her!" Amy Rose is also
hidden in the Where's Waldo-esque scene, stuffed right inbetween Power Stone's Rouge and
Virtua Fighter 3tb's Sarah Bryant.