Name: NiGHTS
Age: ???
Level: 1
Dream: As one of the only two First Level Nightmaren (Reala being the other), NiGHTS was created by Wizeman. It didn't take long for NiGHTS to recognize Wizeman's evil persona, after which he rebelled against his own creator for the good of Nightopia. Since then, he has earned Wizeman's scorn.

Fast and agile, NiGHTS has the ability to perform dazzling aerial acrobatics using his ability to fly. He can also morph his shape to best suit the situation, such as turning his feet into fins for swimming, or even turning himself into a bobsled for sliding.

NiGHTS is naturally attracted to the rare Red Ideya, the dream energy of bravery. It is this sixth sense that lead him to Claris Sinclair and Elliot Edwards, who helped him put a stop to Wizeman's first shot at domination of both Nightopia and the real world.
