Big Landman
Big Landman
Name: Big Landman
Sex: Male
Age: 35
Eyes: Blue
Birthday: April 29
Sign: Taurus
Birthplace: Africa Area
Height: 230cm
Weight: 245kg
Number: 3
The value of life was deeply instilled into Big's heart as he grew up among the African plants and wildlife. As Big grew (really grew), his intense desire to protect this treasure evolved along with him.

Unfortunately, his drive can sometimes be too intense, and he has a bad habit of running into danger with no regard whatsoever to his own safety. A particularly bad accident early in his career would have left him crippled for life, but his body was re-built using neuro-sil and carbo-limb implants. Because of this, his half-cyborg body gives him many inhuman abilities...for example, the bionics on top of his head function as special sensors.

It is interesting to note that Big is the rightful heir to the Landman Foundation, a wealthy organization. However, he refuses to accept his prize so that he may continue his work as a Burning Ranger.
