If you're sick of all those Time Attack world rankings where the upper
positions are dominated solely by glitch opportunists and 12-year old Japanese kids who have
nothing better to do with their youth than throttle every single level deep into their psyche to
the point where playing the game is no longer fun just so they know how to finish Emerald Coast
in 5.3 seconds...freak not, there is still reason to visit the Sonic Adventure website.
We've got those seasonal downloads, and a new one was just posted on the 30th.
The "Y2K Millennium Event" download (68 blocks) challenges you to locate the
giant 2000 Ring hidden in each Action Stage. There's usually one to each area, although some can
only be reached with certain characters. Most of 'em are right out in the open, but a few are
hidden pretty stinking well. Locate the Ring and touch it to get the message: "Have a Happy New
Year in 2K! Please support Sonic in 2K!" Well, the latter is assured.
The BGM also changes to that of Palmtree Panic (the Naofumi Hataya original,
not the US Spencer Nilsen one) from Sonic CD. It starts off in its Present version, then
jumps into G-Mix (Good Future). Huh...first it was Dreams Dreams A Cappella, now Palmtree Panic.
I wonder what other golden oldies they've hidden on the SA disc? Here's hoping we get "I Just
Smile" for Valentine's Day!