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-- Yet More Cool Team Swag --
   Now here's a big surprise. Sonic Team's got even more cool swag for Japanese gamers that we don't stand a sushi roll's chance in a sumo convention in getting. The first 100,000 PSO pre-orders will be rewared with these unique dog tags, each one highlighting a location icon from the game. (They're going to be all the rage in Dezoris next spring.)

PSO dog tag
PSO dog tags PSO dog tags

   Don't get choosy, though, they're sent at random so there's no telling which one you'll end up with. And you aren't going to get it until you get the game itself, so don't think you'll be setting the Tokyo fashion world ablaze before December 21st.

   Dog tags phooey. What's the point? Statistics prove that the vast majority of gamers are not in the military. However, the vast majority of gamers do eat. What better way to keep our sandwiches nice and fresh than a spiffy Sonic the Hedgehog mini lunchbox? Oh, and guess what: you CAN get this one! Head on over to Right Stuf and place your reservation: the boxes ship on the 20th. Yummy!

Sonic mini lunchbox

   -- Green Gibbon!

Compiled and arranged by Jared "Green Gibbon!" Matte. Hosting provided by Emulation Zone and Emulation World.