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I want my maracas!


-- ¿Samba de America? --
   Will Samba de Amigo make it to America? According to GameFan, Samba will be present at Sega's E3 booth. (In case you're new, E3 is a yearly videogame trade show taking place May 11-13 this year.) Not known at present is the state of the maraca controllers, but supposedly the game sucks without 'em; of course, Capcom's bringing the Resident Evil lightgun spinoff game to America without lightgun support. Although there's no bloody dismemberment involved in maraca-shaking monkeys, the maracas cost seventy bucks a pair, and that's only for one player. We all know how wonderfully successful expensive game peripherals have done in America *cough cough cough*, but if Sega can pull off its idea of using the maraca base for other peripherals (such as swords or baseball bats), maybe the maracas wouldn't be a complete flop over here. Additionally, Sega of America would certainly be shooting themselves in the foot if they released a maraca-less Samba over in America.

Here's an interesting little tidbit: the Sonic Adventure Homepage has a downloadable extra Twinkle Circuit track to celebrate the Japanese release of Samba de Amigo; the website even has pictures of Amigo and an English logo for the game!! Cross your fingers folks, Samba just may make it out of sushi-land. Olé!

   -- D-H Master has not been confirmed for American release

News article by D-H Master. Hosting provided by Emulation Zone and Emulation World. In case your annoying brother bugs you during a Samba session, remember that a maraca doubles as a truncheon.