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-- Fiesta! The Samba Launch --
   As of April 27, the dancing monkeys have been unleashed upon a world still recovering from an invasion of outlandish space mice. Samba de Amigo Dreamcast is out there, and it's all over the place.

   For starters, the official Samba HP has been launched on the Dricas network. Check that out here. As per usual, it's all in the language of the Nihonjin, but everyone on Earth can download the sexy Samba TV commercial! Aye chihuahua! That swingin' seņora can shake my maracas anytime! *cough* Elsewhere on the site, "Open Your Heart" is ready for downloading to Japanese VMUs, an an explanation is given as to why "Livin' la Vida Loca" and "The Cup of Life" are absent from the Dreamcast music roster (both songs were in the original arcade version). It seems that all Ricky Martin songs are distributed under the Sony Music label, and well...that speaks for itself. The boys in suits are currently trying to work something out with those Sony yellowbellies, so you may yet be shaking along with "Livin' la Vida Loca" and "The Cup of Life" with your DC maracas. Keep your fingers (and toes, if you can do that) crossed.

   But the fiesta's just getting into gear! Pull Sonic Adventure off the shelf and point your DC browser to the SA homepage for the latest download: Samba GP! It's a whole new Twinkle Circuit course, released in celebration of the Japanese Samba launch. The BGM is that of "Super Sonic Racing" (sans lyrics, sadly)'s a great download, although it doesn't actually have much to do with Samba de Amigo (no Samba graphics or anything). What is interesting, however, is the entrance graphic under the "Events" section of the website: it sports a full-blown English Samba logo. Makes you go "hm..." All eyes on E3, baby! Keep those fingers (and toes) crossed...

   Ah, but all is not well in Mudville. The supply & demand curse has struck again, and it seems that there may be -- gasp -- a shortage on the maraca controllers. I haven't heard any reports out of Japan yet, but all the major import dealers are reporting drastic cutdowns in their initial shipments of the rattling peripherals, to the point that the majority of reservations will not be able to be fulfilled. Gulp. We will know for certain, come E3, if there is a God.

   -- Green Gibbon!

Compiled and arranged by Jared "Green Gibbon!" Matte. Hosting provided by Emulation Zone and Emulation World.