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-- And the Winner Is... --
   Of course this comes as no surprise at all to us, the enlightened Ragolians, but PSO has used the competition to wipe its proverbial butt in the Japan Entertainment Software Awards at TGS. After getting nominated for the Programming prize, the NewWave Prize, and Game Design prize, PSO took the final awards in all those categories plus the overall grand prize for Excellency and official title of "best game of 2000." Here's a look at the goods presented to our man Yuji who was, of course, on-hand to claim his well-earned prizes:

I would not like to thank the little people, because they didn't win these awards.

   This is Sonic Team's first major accolade, and may I say that it's about freaking time and more than richly deserved. Can we get a round of "Go Naka!"s?

   -- Green Gibbon!

Compiled and arranged by Jared "Green Gibbon!" Matte. Hosting provided by Emulation Zone and Emulation World.