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   At last, we can stop spray-painting Sonic graffiti all over the walls, signs, and public restrooms of our hometowns. Sega has provided a much easier way to vent our fanaticism using the cheap spraypaint method: new Sonic Team graffiti designs have been made available for download at the Jet Set Radio (aka "Jet Grind Radio") website. The designs include three Sonic logos, three PSO logos, and four Samba logos.

Sonic small PSO small Samba small

Sonic large PSO large Samba large

Sonic extra large PSO extra large Samba extra large 1 Samba extra large 2

   Okay, so maybe they don't reach quite as wide an audience, but at least there's no jail time. Download 'em here, although, as we've probably all discovered by now, Japanese VMU files cannot be downloaded on US Dreamcast browsers. But maybe they'll be nice and make 'em available in the domestic version when it's released. *looks at the can of blue spraypaint in his hands* Until then... *shakes the can and walks back outside* (Thanks to Heidi "Zero-chan" Kemps for the tip. But don't tell her I said that.)

   -- Green Gibbon!

Compiled and arranged by Jared "Green Gibbon!" Matte. Hosting provided by Emulation Zone and Emulation World.