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-- DC Championships: The Sonic Players --
   The Dreamcast "Mobile Assault Tour" has come full-circle, and the four champions from previous locations have come to clash at the Las Vegas Gameworks for the grand finale: the first annual Dreamcast Championships. The challenge: complete the Sky Deck Zone from Sonic Adventure with the most Rings. (Sky Deck, of course, is inarguably the most difficult level in Adventure, and possibly the most difficult level in Sonic history.) The stakes: $15,000 smackers, a bronze Sonic trophy, a photo with The Man himself, a Dreamcast, an autographed copy of Sonic Adventure, and the official title of best Sonic player in the nation. The players: Eric Kellman of Madison, Wisconsin (scored 506 Rings during the tour); Steven Shao of Huntington Beach, California (scored 495 Rings during the tour); Mark Adams of Miami, Florida (scored 493 Rings during the tour); and Michael Tang of Sunnyvale, California (scored 489 Rings during the tour).

   The battle began and the pressure was on. None of the four "masters" gave a flawless performance, but in the end, Mark Adams claimed the high position, making it to the end of the stage with 237 Rings (sheesh...). But of course, we all know who rightfully would have won had he been given the opportunity to GO to one of those stupid Mobile Assault Tours, which was impossible because he's stuck in some backwater country town deep in the boonies of southern Louisiana, and he's living proof that there is NO justice in the world but he doesn't complain because he's such a great guy even though he KNOWS he's being totally screwed and can't do a damn thing ABOUT it!!! *throttles you violently* What, me jealous? Come now. (Source: IGN DC)

"Oh, my God... Um, Naka...the doors are deadbolted, right?"

"I'll humor this schnook, but I know the one man who is truly worthy to be sitting in that chair is trapped in a geographic prison."

   -- Green Gibbon!

Compiled and arranged by Jared "Green Gibbon!" Matte. Hosting provided by Emulation Zone and Emulation World.