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-- As Ragol Turns --
   That gooey bit of goodness we've been lusting over for the past year is scheduled to slam into Japanese cyberspace on December 21. Of course, I'm talking about Phantasy Star Online, and if you're smart enough to pre-order your first class ticket to the planet Ragol, you'll be rewarded with the special edition package. This includes the 4× VMU and a demo of Sonic Adventure 2. Actually, the regular version of PSO also includes the Adv2 demo, so I guess the "special" package just means you get the 4× VMU.

   The Adventure 2 demo includes some early scenes from the game and some movies to boot. Our wishy-washy buddies at Sega of America aren't sure if they'll include the demo in the US version of PSO, though. C'mon guys, they're making it over here! Honestly, sometimes I want to hug you and kiss you and carry on with you, and other times I just want to pop your incisors in and strangle you on them.

   In related news, Sonic Team is allegedly planning at least 50 additional downloadable scenarios for PSO, and the server will support up to 20,000 players at first. That number will be adjusted based on how popular the game turns out to be.

   -- Green Gibbon!

Compiled and arranged by Jared "Green Gibbon!" Matte. Hosting provided by Emulation Zone and Emulation World.